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"To do ALE development your scenario designer will need in-depth knowledge of IDocs, ALE scenario development and ALE configuration. A handy knowledge of ABAP is also required..."

ALE Development (8582 bytes)

  1. Functional specifications need to be drawn up, by the business, describing exactly what is required by them, that is not available in the standard ALE scenarios.
  1. A technical specification can then be drawn up by the ALE team. In this technical specifications the following needs to be addressed:
New IDocs required;
New fields added to existing IDocs;
Program / user exits / message control for populating the fields;
Inbound functional module details;
ALE configuration set up requirements; and
Error handling.

Once the specification is completed and confirmed by the business, programming can begin.

  1. Developing an ALE scenario will include the following steps:


Create Segments and IDoc type;
Create Message Type and link to IDoc type;
Populate IDoc using message control \ user exit or program (ABAP);
Create object type if required; and
Define CDM with message type and filter object. Distribute model. Generate outbound partner profiles;


Write inbound function module (FM) to process inbound IDoc (ABAP);
Create process code and link to FM;
Generate inbound partner profiles; and
Link object type to FM for error handling.

ALE Development Pictorial

  1. QA & Testing - Including unit and string testing. Ensure a quality solution. QA done by the ALE team leader and testing done by the business owner and ALE scenario developer.
  1. Sign-off by the business - Ensure the development is thoroughly tested and comprehensively documented prior to sign-off against the functional specification.

Deliverables during this stage

ALE Functional Specification - For each development a detailed functional requirement document is produced and confirmed by the business.
ALE Development Guide - Details what development was done and how to configure the solution. Needs to be QA'd by someone else in the know.
Test Procedures - Unit and string testing needs to be conducted on the development together with result logging and sign-off.

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Running cheetah (19590 bytes)

This Web Site was created by Kevin Wilson  and Johan Delport
Last update: Tuesday, April 12, 1999