Web Based Projects
Online Shopping web for Sobeys Inc.
Online Shopping web for Eastern Sing Print
This application is implemented as a three tier web based client server architecture. This is a web based application for ordering stuff from Eastern Sign Print. There are two web sites designed for on line shopping at ESP, one for Sobeys Customers and another for ESP administration. The searchable catalog of ESP is on the Web, which is divided into various departments and categories within the departments. You can place your order online and even check the status of you order later on. The status of the order is maintained with respect to the purchase order as well at the individual item in the purchase order. Administrator can update the status of the order so that the customer can check and view the latest status of its order. The search and catalog screens helps in finding the items and put it into the shopping cart. The accounting module is also implemented, which helps customers and the company to print invoices and bills.This helps to articulate the purchase orders and invoicing printing from the web.The administrator can add, modify delete items from the catalog and change the status of the items online. The other key feature of the web site administration is quantity in order (total quantity in all purchase orders per item). This helps in managing the inventory. Achievements: This process saves the cost of fax, phone, printing the catalog and helps in maintaining the inventory efficiently. Employee Self-service
Designed and developed three-tier client server application. The application is used for corporate management of human resources to collaborate between several offices through the web. Designed Human Resources Modules and Human Resources Web site. This includes inter platform development which includes C++/Java/Visual Basic programs (Inter Platform Developments in SAP) for calling BAPIs/RFC in SAP and ASP/Sybase for the web site. Since the BAPIs (OOP) is a new technology in SAP an extensive research was conducted. I was involved in designing the application and Extracting HR data from SAP into Sybase that is required to support the Employee Self-service Web Site. This is basically Employee data, any dependants, employee absence/attendance data, lookup tables to validate data entry, Warehouse Scheduling, Time Management as well as benefit and pension data. Once the data is ported to Sybase, Employee Self-service Web takes over for the updates and sending back these updates to SAP. BAPI interfaces will be used as much as possible to make updating SAP with changes. RFC calls are used to provide non-updateable data like lookup tables. Visual Basic will be used for testing concepts, but is then converted to C++ and Java. There was a large amount of R&D in this project. Achievements: The Original cost of the SAP Employee Self service is a few millions dollars which is being saved by this Application. Log Viewer Application
Gift Certificate/ Ticket web based application
This application is used to send the gift certificate and ticket information to the various stores of Sobeys. It contains different modules such as the web modules, process module and communication module. Gift certificate information is entered from the web and later this information is pulled out from the web into the flat file. These flat files are again reformatted and sliced according to the store standard format file. After that it is grabbed by the Retail interchange and send to all different stores across Canada. In the other way around files from the stores are pulled out and formatted to be fed back to the database and SAP for update and accounting. Place: Sobeys Inc.