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Here are some nifty utils created by me. If you find these useful do send
me a mail at mandar.s@usa.net.
Please read the disclaimer before proceeding.

Here is what I have for U.

File Spliter:

Brief  Description:  Bare Bones File Spliter Utility
Name Spliter.exe
Size 54Kb
OS MS-DOS (Works with Dos >4.0, Win3.1/3.11/95/NT)
Distribution  Freeware
  • You don't require ANY utility to join the split files.
  • Split files can be joined even on UNIX based machines
  • Notes Spliter is a command-line program. It works with only 1 file at a time. All it does is to do a clean splitting of files into required components.  

    'Spliter huge.fil -m 0.2'  

    will split huge.fil into huge.0, huge.1, huge.2 etc. each of 0.2 Mb each (note, the file extension is lost). Other options are available by just typing 'spliter'  at the command prompt.  

    To rejoin the files use this simple dos command  

    copy  /b huge.0+huge.1+huge.2 huge.fil  
    copy /b huge.?+huge.?? huge.fil

    This command basically concatenates the files back into huge.fil '/b' forces binary mode. PLEASE MAINTAIN the sequence of  joins.  
    The second command works ONLY if you had copied/downloaded the splits in proper sequence. To be on the safer side use the first (elaborate) copy command.

    DOWNLOAD Spliter.zip


      Button Box32 v1.1

    Brief Description:   32 bit Ms-Office style Application launcher with lots of goodies. 
    Name BBox32.zip
    Size 89 KB(Zip file DOESN'T contain VB5 runtime DLL's). Help File Included
    OS Windows 95/NT
    Distribution Freeware
    Highlights Option for large buttons. 
    Right-Click to pass command-line parameters 
    Upto 5 different customised button-bars at a time. 
    On-line Help 
    & lastly 
    Assign dates to run beta.....
    Notes This was my first attempt at creating a really useful utility with VB.
    The need was to have multiple bars on  the desktop  which contained big (read 'easy to click')  logically grouped buttons and allowed me to pass command line parameters easily.
    I added some other interesting feature, find out for your self. You should have VB5 run time (available on the net).
    Download bbox32.zip

     a) All the programs are created with good intent and tested on  platforms mentioned against 'OS'.   
    b) Programs do not contain any virus, however do check them with a virus scanner after downloading them as a precautionary measure. (it is a good habit).  
    c) The programs are meant to be distributed for free without any charge whatsoever.  
    d) No guarantee of any sort is implied and I will not be responsible for any damage resulting from the use of the programs.
    e) Avoid installing the programs, especially the screen savers on production m/cs

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