Reasons why this happens:
Click Cancel when asking for Windows Log on information:
- Instead Enter in your name and press [OK] if you have
to Confirm press [OK] again.
Corrupted PWL Files:
- *Find *.pwl Delete (or rename) any of these files!
- Restart Windows
No CMSN Installed:
- Need Windows CD, or *Find win*.cab
- Click on [START] > Settings > Control Panel
open the Icon Network
- if you do NOT see CMSN then click on [ADD] Highlight Client
click on [ADD] again Select Microsoft (CMSN should already be
selected, if not select it) Click on [OK]
- Click on [OK] one more time, if you get any Version Conflicts,
press [YES] that way you aren't removing a more recent version.
- When prompted to restart press [YES]
- Click on Start, Run Type regedit
press OK
- Click on Registry > Export > enter the File Name DPCBackUp.reg
(or whatever you want) Save (on your desktop)
- Click on the [+] before each of the following
- [+] Software
- [+] Microsoft
- [+] Windows
- [+] CurrentVersion
- [+] Policies
- Highlight the folder Network
- If there is ANYTHING other then "Default" in there, Highlight it
(Usually named DisablePwdCaching) and then click on EDIT > Modify
and change it from 1 to 0 you might not have it (as you see, I
- Start, Shut Down, Restart your computer