City of Tempe Arizona
Tempe Mayor and Tempe City Council
T.E.A.M - Total Events And Management
DTC Inc - Downtown Tempe Community Inc
are GUN GRABBERS and want to take away your Second Amendment Rights, or are active in helping Tempe disarm you in Downtown Tempe!
The City of Tempe has used some type of sham to convert all of the Public Parking owned by the City of Tempe to private (quasiPublic) parking owned by DTC Inc and managed by the goons at T.E.A.M to keep law abiding citizens from having guns in Downtown Tempe.
This is interesting because even though the City of Tempe claims that street parking, and parking in these lots is PRIVATE the City of Tempe Police still write people tickets for parking on this PRIVATE parking.
The City of Tempe wants it both ways PUBLIC and PRIVATE! Private so its sham DTC Inc can ban guns. And Public so the City of Tempe can still collect money for parking? And write tickets for more revenue?
Is this DTC newsletter the Downtowner really the voice of the City of Tempe? The folks at DTC Inc think so from this quote on page two of the "Downtowner" which reads "The DTC is a private, nonprofit organization that works in partnershift with the City of Tempe to increase the value of downtown Tempe through enhanced managemment and promotion.". I would say the DTC Inc is just a sham corporation to allow the City of Tempe to do things it can't legally do. Yes DTC Inc and Tempe are one in one.
E-mail these folks and tell them
1) You don't like gun grabbers who want to eliminate 2nd Admendment Rights.
2) You don't like elected officals who try to sneak around your Second Admendment Rights using a sham to turn all PUBLIC PARKING into PRIVATE parking owned by the DTC inc so the City of Tempe can take away your constitional rights in Downtown Tempe. Click here to view these criminals who want to take away your guns And just for fun we will provide a lot of personal information about them gotten from public records
Click here to E-Mail these guy grabbers at
This increased when I got junk mail from DTC Inc promoting the downtown Tempe area which listed the Mayor of Tempe as a board member on the DTC Inc.
And last when I noticed that all the City of Tempe parking meters on 3rd St, 6th St, 7th St, College Ave, Forest Ave, Myrtle Ave, and Maple Ave in downtown Tempe had been converted from City of Tempe parking meters to DTC Inc parking meters. - DTC Inc is selling PRIVATE parking on PUBLIC streets owned by the City of Tempe.
And again when I noticed all the old City of Tempe parking lots in downtown Tempe has been converted to DTC Inc parking lots. Some of these lots are located East of Tempe City Hall between 5th and 6th Streets, West of Tempe City Hall between 5th and 6th Streets, Southwest corner of Myrtle Ave and 6th Street, Northeast corner of Maple Ave and 6th Street
And while the parking meters on both the Tempe City streets and in DTC Inc parking lots are run by DTC Inc the City of Tempe Police writes you parking tickets if you don't shove quarters into a DTC Inc parking meter.
Just who is DTC Inc or Downtown Tempe Comunity Inc
Where does DTC Inc get its cash? (Maybe City of Tempe)
These are the current DTC officers and board of directors
These are the people who incorporated DTC in 1993
This would include the law that Tempe passed that made guns illegal on Mill Ave which was declared UNCONSTITIONAL.
Tempe Mayor Neil Giuliano is an admitted homosexual1, 2, & 3. If he were arrested for sodmey which is still illegal in arizona (its called THE INFAMOUS CRIME AGAINST NATURE ) and punishable by 30 days in jail and a $500 fine it would be your right and duty to REFUSE TO CONVICT him under FIJA because this law is unconstitional, barbaric, unjust, and unfair.
Here is some suggested reading for those gun grabbers elected to the Tempe Government. The Mayor and council members will probably be shocked at what you see and promptly pass local laws that override this stuff which was written by that radical guy with Libertarian views Thomas Jefferson and a few of his friends with Libertarian views.
A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Arizona Constitution
Article 2 Section 26 - Bearing arms
The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself or the state shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain, or employ an armed body of men.
Footnotes:2 In the Friday June 25, 1999 East Valley Edition of the Arizona Republic on page EV-1 in an article called "CBS show to focus on city's gay mayor" it says
In Tempe, Giluliano's homosexuality became an issue during his 1996 election campaign. Shortly after his victory, the mayor issued a statement disclosing that he is gay, hoping to pre-empt a citizen from divulging publicly his sexual orientation.
The article also says that the CBS news program "Sunday Morning" plans to interview Giuliano for a July 11, 1999 segment about homosexuals in public office.
Footnotes:3 On page 1 of the July 5, 1999 Monday Tribune the article "CBS profiles Giuliano for national show" by Nikki Riordan talks about gay Tempe Mayor Neil Giuliano who will be featured on the next CBS "Sunday Morning" show as a gay mayor who serves his constituents well.
See some fotos of clinton i made
Thomas Jefferson