A True Military Wife Author Unknown
Can put eight rooms of furniture into a five-room apartment.Has twenty pairs of drapes and none of them fit the living room windows. Can emerge from a single room at the guesthouse after spending two weeks over the holidays with four kids who all have the chickenpox.
Can, in one week's time, pick up a house full of furniture, the kids, a cat, three hamsters, a bird and six suitcases into a station wagon and drive all the way cross-country and still greet her husband with a smile.
Can open and close bank accounts, establish credit at the local phone, utility and cable companies at the drop of a hat. Begins to smile when she receives the phone call from her husband which begins with the words, "Honey, I've got good news and bad news."
Is able to sell or rent at a moments notice and move halfway across the world. Can re-establish a home complete with post war furniture and only one forth of her household goods without batting an eye.
Doesn't blink when she gets to Korea and finds her household goods are in Georgia and she's received the boxes marked for storage. Can make a house into a home in less than three days. Has all of her kids born in different states (she gets extra points for different countries).
Pull out her ID card when she goes to a civilian grocery store. Has the ability to find something faintly wrong when she sees the same doctor in the hospital twice in a row. And is able to give comfort and encouragement to her children, support the local PTO, love her husband when he's home, give laughter to the wives organizations, and helpful hints of survival to new spouses, who have just begun their military experience.