1. Active X
object: |
The Active X object allows Multimedia Fusion
applications to make use of Active X controls that are
already present on the system. Active X controls are
installed on the system by other Active X compliant
applications and can provide functionality ranging from
something as simple as a check box to something as
complicated as a whole Web browser. |
2. Analog Joystick object: |
The Analog Joystick object reports back analog data
from the joystick port. This analog data is specific
information about how far to the left, right, up, or down
the joystick is moved, and which button is depressed. |
3. Array object: |
The Array object allows Multimedia Fusion
applications to store large amounts of data in the
structured format of a three-dimensional array. An array
is an ordered set of items of the same data type; the
items can be referred to both as a unit and individually. |
4. AVI object: |
The AVI object plays Video for Windows movie files in
your Multimedia Fusion applications. |
5. Backdrop object: |
The Backdrop object is used primarily for creating
backgrounds for your applications from bitmap images, but
it can also be used to create simple color backgrounds. |
6. Button object: |
The Button object can be used to create text push
buttons, bitmap push buttons, check boxes, and radio
buttons in your Multimedia Fusion applications. |
7. CD-Audio object: |
The CD-Audio object lets you play audio tracks from
compact discs from within your Multimedia Fusion
applications. |
8. Combo Box object: |
A combo box object is a combination text edit box and
list box. The list box can be fixed or drop-down. |
9. Counter object: |
The Counter object stores the numbers in your
application and is used for things like fuel gauges,
speedometers, or the read-outs from dials in the cockpit
of a spaceship. The Counter object can be displayed as an
animation or a simple number. You can also display your
counters as horizontal or vertical bars and use them as
energy bars in games or basic bar charts in
presentations. |
10. Create New Objects object: |
The Create New Objects object addresses issues
related to sets of duplicate objects and allows your
application to make a duplicate of an object appear
anywhere in the frame. |
11. Date & Time object: |
The Date & Time object is used to create both
Date and Clock objects. The clock can display the current
time, record the passage of time, and act as a stopwatch
or countdown device. Date objects indicate the current
date. |
12. Draw object: |
The Draw object lets the user draw in a frame during
runtime. This allows you to create shapes on
screen dynamically while your application is running. |
13. Edit object: |
The Edit object allows users of your application to
type data and have your Multimedia Fusion application use
that data. |
14. File object: |
The File object allows Multimedia Fusion applications
to perform basic file and disk operations such as
renaming, copying and deleting files; creating
sub-directories; and launching external applications. |
15. File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) object: |
The FTP object provides online access through the
Internet using FTP protocols. This object allows
Multimedia Fusion applications to download new files via
the Internet, allowing your application to update itself
automatically if users have access to the Internet. |
16. FLI object: |
The FLI object is used to play FLI or FLC animation
files at application runtime. |
17. Formatted Text object: |
The Formatted Text object allows you to import Rich
Text Format (.RTF) files for display in your Multimedia
Fusion applications. This object allows direct on-screen
editing with all the formatting capabilities of Wordpad. |
18. Hi-Score object: |
The Hi-Score object records the top score of all
players who have played the game. |
19. INI object: |
An INI object is a simple text-based file that can
store any value or string. It provides a simple way of
saving information for future use. |
20. List object: |
The List object lets you create customizable lists in
your Multimedia Fusion applications. List objects can
contain text or numbers. |
21. Lives object: |
The Lives object displays the number of lives that
each player has left in a game. |
22. MCI object: |
The MCI (Media Control Interface) object is a
Microsoft standard for controlling any multimedia device
connected to your computer. MCI objects let you use this
Media Control Interface directly from your Multimedia
Fusion applications. |
23. Mixer object: |
The Mixer object gives you direct control over the
volume of your sound samples and MIDI music files. |
24. Motion Picture Expert
Group (MPEG) object: |
The MPEG object lets you play MPEG format movie
segments on the computer. Motion Picture Expert Group
(MPEG) movies can only be played with external hardware,
or a software MPEG driver. This driver is normally
supplied with your video card and is not included with
Multimedia Fusion. If you do not already have MPEG
installed, you will not be able to access these features. |
25. Mouse & Keyboard
object: |
The Mouse & Keyboard object lets you create
interactive applications that the user can participate
in. Multimedia Fusion can be programmed to perform
certain actions when a specific key is pressed on the
keyboard or when a mouse button is clicked. |
26. Netscape object: |
The Netscape object allows your Multimedia Fusion
applications to launch Netscape Navigator. You must have
Netscape Navigator installed on your computer. |
27. Network object: |
The Network object allows two Multimedia Fusion
applications to communicate through a local network by
opening a channel for communication between two
computers. |
28. ODBC object: |
The ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) object provides
a direct way of accessing information from an external
database. |
29. Picture object: |
The Picture object lets you load, resize, display,
and hide external graphics files in your Multimedia
Fusion applications. |
30. Player object: |
The Player object governs the use of the joystick and
lets you set, add to, and subtract from a player's lives
and score. |
31. Print object: |
The Print object allows you to print an entire screen
or window, the client area of a window, or a specified
zone of the window. |
32. Question & Answer
object: |
The Question & Answer object displays a
multiple-choice question on the screen and allows the
user to select an answer. |
33. Quick Backdrop object: |
The Quick Backdrop object is primarily used for
creating backgrounds for your applications from bitmapped
images, but it can also create simple color backgrounds.
Quick Backdrops can be solid colors, fountain fills, or
tiled bitmaps. |
34. QuickTime object: |
The QuickTime object plays QuickTime for Windows
movie files in your Multimedia Fusion applications. |
35. QuickTime VR object: |
QuickTime VR objects let you play QuickTime VR files.
QuickTime VR files produce a simulated 3-dimensional
environment that allows the user to view 3-dimensional
objects from all sides or a single location looking in
all directions. |
36. Score object: |
The Score object keeps track of a player's score
during a game and displays it on the screen. |
37. Search object: |
The Search object searches your files for a specific
word or phrase and reports back with the location of the
search string. |
38. Shared Data object: |
The Shared Data object is used when two or more
Multimedia Fusion applications are running on the same
computer at the same time. This object allows the
applications to communicate using common global data
structures. |
39. Sound object: |
The Sound object plays .WAV sound samples and MIDI
music files in your Multimedia Fusion applications. |
40. Special object: |
Special objects let you control the timing of the
actions in your applications, launch external executable
files during application runtime, and activate specific
groups of events. |
41. Storyboard Controls
object: |
The Storyboard Controls object starts and ends your
Multimedia Fusion applications, allows your applications
to jump between frames, and controls scrolling. |
42. String object: |
The String object displays text that you can edit and
format in a variety of ways. |
43. Sub-Application object: |
The Sub-Application object allows you to insert a
Multimedia Fusion application (.CCA or.CCN) into a window
in another Multimedia Fusion application. |
44. Timer object: |
The Timer object is a built-in clock that runs
throughout your application and keeps track of the
elapsed time since the start of your application. |
45. Vitalize! Plugin object: |
The Vitalize! Plugin object will upgrade a user's web
browser so that it is able to view web sites that contain
Vitalize! content. Vitalize! files have a CCN file
extension and a MIME type application\x-cnc. |
46. Window Control object: |
The Window Control object is an object that controls
the windows that are used to display your Multimedia
Fusion applications. |
47. 3D Sprite object: |
The 3D Sprite object lets you display and manipulate
3D sprites in your applications. |