My Computer
My Library
Hi, my name is Cedric BOMPART and I'm French. I'm an administrator of mercury the student server.
I prepare a BSc Honours Computer Studies at University of North East Wales Institue. For last year, I make a project, called "Multiplexing of Web Server".
If you want to known more about me, looked my Curriculum Vitae.

Here is the details of my computer:

Mainboard: TR5510 AIO - Intel 430FX - Award Modular v4.51PG
CPU: Pentium 166 Mhz overclocked at 180 Mhz
RAM: 48 Mb
HD: Seagate 1.7 Gb, Western Digital 2.5 Gb
Display card PCI: S3 Trio 64V+ 2 Mb
Screen: Sony Multiscan 15SX
CD-ROM: Pionner SCSI 32x
SCSI controller PCI: Symbios 53C810
Sound card ISA: Mad 16 Pro
Network card ISA: 3Com EtherLink II, D-Link DE-220P
O.S: MS-DOS 6.22, Windows NT 4 SP3, RedHat 5.1

My personal library:
A pratical guide to the Unix System Third Edition
Mark G. Sobell - 1995 Benjamin . Cummings
Advanced Windows
Jeffrey Richter - 1997 Microsoft Press
Inside Visual C++ Third Edition
David J. Kruglinski - 1996 Microsoft Press
Programmation C
Gerhard Willms - 1995 Micro Application
Thinking in Java
Bruce Eckel - 1998 Prentice Hall PTR

If you have something to ask me or about this site, send me an e-mail.