Opening Service
Order of Worship: 23 Aug 1999
TRAC GYM Convention

Theme: "Celebrating the Life of Christ through Worship and Spiritual Renewal"


1. "Rejoice in the Lord always" - No.25 of the GYM Songbook
2. "For I am building a people of power" - No.18 of the GYM Songbook
3. "Change my heart, O God" - No.13 of the GYM Songbook

GYM Voices

Prayer Litany

Leader: Remember! The Lord our God is one Lord.
People: In thankfulness and praise, we remember.
Leader: How then shall we live?
People: We shall love the Lord our God with all our heart.
Leader: Remember Christ's sacrifice for us and for our salvation, upon the cross.
People: In thankfulness and praise, we remember.
Leader: How then shall we live?
People: We shall love the Lord our God with all our mind.
Leader: Remember the sacrifice of all who have followed Christ's example, made by so many, to secure peace and freedom.
People: In thankfulness and praise, we remember.
Leader: How then shall we live?
People: We shall love the Lord our God with all our strength.
Leader: Remember the words Jesus spoke: "No greater love has anyone than this, that they lay down their life for a friend."
People: In thankfulness and praise, we remember.
Leader: How then shall we live?
People: We shall love our neighbour as ourself.
Leader: Dear God, help us to be faithful to you, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Scripture Reading

Keynote Address: Rev Dr Isaac Lim - TRAC President

Closing Hymn - "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine" - No. 37 of GYM Songbook


(Worship Leader: Mr Ng Fook Kah)

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[ Workshop #2: "Spiritual Renewal" ]
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