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Guido's Webring of Destruction

Here is the form to add yourself to the queue (approval waiting area).
Any DestructRing member can add you to the ring. But they will
only do so if you ALREADY have the code in your page.

Submit site to Guido's Webring of Destruction

Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.


Member/Owner of Guido's Webring of Destruction

Generate more traffic!

Here is the code to place in your page:

This isn't necessary since you will receive a PERSONALIZED copy but if you're dieing to get it, here it is. Just replace all instances of --name-- with your name, --title-- with your webpage's title, and --id-- with your ring id # which you don't have yet.

<!-- JavaScript -->
<table border="0">
<caption align="top"><a
size="1">--name--'s --title-- is a member of Guido's Webring of Destruction</font></a><font
size="1"> </font></caption>
<td><p align="center"><a
target="_top" target="_top"><img
alt="Generate more traffic!" width="200" height="128"></a></p>
<td><p align="center"><script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide this from older browsers
function gotoPage (form) {
if (form.way.selectedIndex == 0)
if (form.way.selectedIndex == 1)
if (form.way.selectedIndex == 2)
if (form.way.selectedIndex == 3)
if (form.way.selectedIndex == 4)
if (form.way.selectedIndex == 5)
document.write('<td valign="middle"><form name="JSWR">');
document.write('<input type="button" value="Go !!!" onClick="gotoPage(this.form)"><br>');
document.write('<select name="way">');
document.write('<option checked>Next site');
document.write('<option>Skip next site');
document.write('<option>Next 5 sites');
document.write('<option>Previous site');
document.write('<option>Back 2 sites');
document.write('<option>Random site');
// End hide -->
<p align="center"><noscript></p>
<li><p align="center"><a
target="_top"><font size="2">Next site</font></a><font
size="2"> </font></p>
<li><p align="center"><a
target="_top"><font size="2">Skip next site</font></a><font
size="2"> </font></p>
<li><p align="center"><a
target="_top"><font size="2">Next 5 sites</font></a><font
size="2"> </font></p>
<li><p align="center"><a
target="_top"><font size="2">Previous site</font></a><font
size="2"> </font></p>
<li><p align="center"><a
target="_top"><font size="2">Back 2 sites</font></a><font
size="2"> </font></p>
<li><p align="center"><a
target="_top"><font size="2">Random site</font></a><font
size="2"> </font></p>
<td><p align="center"></noscript></p>
<!-- JavaScript -->

Current DestructRing members:

View an index of all ring sites, HERE.

Add a user to the ring from the queue, HERE.

Edit your site information and password, HERE.

If the above form isn't working to submit sites, use this, HERE.


Powered by HATE!!!!Register-It!
 - Promote Your Web Site!

Copyright "Guido: The Destroyer of Men" 1997.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [Guido666@Raex.Com].
Last updated: November 24, 1997.
DISCLAIMER: Everything on this site is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Pirated software is ILLEGAL, I do not have pirated software on my hard drive nor do I use pirated software. I am NOT responsible for how you decide to use them in any way, shape or form. Also, if you hurt yourself with any of the information on these pages, it is your fault, not mine, so don't come crying to me. If you do not agree to this you may leave now. I hope you will enjoy your visit!

Atomic!Get Quake SW v1.06 NOW!!Pirates NOW!Warez now too!Free-Speech!Atomic!

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