Atmel's AVR microcontrollers have a RISC core running single cycle instructions and a well- defined I/O structure that limits the need for external components. Internal oscillators, timers, UART, SPI, pull-up
resistors, pulse width modulation, ADC, analog comparator and watch dog timers are some of the features you will find in AVR devices.
AVR instructions are tuned to decrease the size of the program whether the code is written in C or Assembly. With on-chip in-system programmable Flash and EEPROM, the AVR is a perfect choice in order to optimize cost
and get product to the market quickly.
Product Overview
The main AVR’s feauture, is Serial Programming, using Atmel ISP or other software, wth various hardware.
Atmel ISP software work with STK-200/300 hardware
AVReal software from Kiev work with STK-200/300, Altera ByteBlaster, and even with 5 wires from LPT-port to microcontroller (FBPRG)
Good link: AVR Embedded Microcontroller Resources
AVR Develope (RUS)