This page should give you an overview about the implementation of these sites and explain the strength and drawbacks of the tools I used. atwork02.gif (557 bytes)

Different used techniques

Static-http: The overview page is plain http. There are a few links but that is already it.

Animated gif's: The welcome page has a GIF with an 4 connect game which compose of 12 pictures that change very fast. The gallery pages have gif's "previous" and "next" which work with the same principles.

Frames:These pages do not contain frames anymore. I replaced an earlier version with frames with this frame free architecture.

Java-Applet: The game connect 4 is a Java applet using 11 custom written classes.

Style-Sheet: The links within the navigation table at the bottom has different styles depending on the mouse position. This feature only works with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 otherwise it is completely static.

Java-Script:Already the welcome page uses Java-Script to determine the time of the day and to show alternatively "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening" or even "Good night".

Forms: The Farewell page contains a form collecting infos from the user. He can send his comments to me by email.

Different used tools

I used FrontPage 98 as my primary page design tool. It is very powerful, but Microsoft tries to use Microsoft Internet Explorer only features even when they are not necessary. You have therefore to revise and correct the HTML code.

I developed my Java-applet with Symantec's Visual Café. It is an excellent tool for all Java development but it falls short on designing whole pages and on maintaining all the hyperlinks of a whole site.

Microsoft Image composer allows me to work with pictures. I just used it to cut areas out from other pictures. This is only a marginal use of all the available functionality.
I'm using a HP scanner to get my picture in a digital format. This is a low cost thing which unfortunately shows.
Geocities is hosting my web site for free, what I really appreciate. gc_icon.gif (2851 bytes)
Last but not least Dawn is a community leader at Geocities and I got several helpful hints from her. Check out her pages too. peachy2.gif (5554 bytes)


Welcome Gallery 4 connect Technical Reference Farewell

Last modified: 17.01.99 hits since 17th January 1999