VBFlamer by unknown author 13k S
A nice little prog that does some low level processing of a bitmap and simulates flames.
BioWiz 446k S
This is a biorythm viewer that inputs your birthdate and current date and returns the current values of your physical,intellectual and emotional cycles. Some people believe that the variety of our every day mood results from several biological cycles that begin the day we are born and continue to loop for the rest of our lives ,with a different interval each. Click here if you would like to know more about this theory.
Mandelbrot Explorer v1.00 13k
Explore the Mandelbrot set ,the most famous fractal ever . It was discovered in the 70s by Polish mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot and it's a magnificent example of the infinite beauty of fractals. This program allows you to select a rectangular region on the compex plane and magnify it over and over again while the detail and colors of the fractal increase geometrically. Check out some images of various regions on the mandelbrot set , generated by the Mandelbrot Explorer or read the FAQ and see how it's all done. If you're intrested in fractal geometry and the higher math behind fractals , follow this link to Yahoo's fractal-related sites.
Game Of Life DEMO 12k S
"The Game of Life, which was developed by John Conway,is a simulation of cellular activity. Each cell's survival is determined by certain rules. If a cell is bordered by one or no other cells, then it will die, because it has removed itself from the group. If a cell is bordered by two, three, or four other cells, it will survive. If a cell has five or more neighbors, it will die from lack of sufficient food and resources. If an empty area is surrounded by three cells, a new cell will grow. These rules are fairly simple and straightforward. Because every cells's survival depends on fellow cells, a complex interdependency develops. This is why the Game of Life is closely related to Chaos. Small changes, even in one cell, has a ripple effect that alters every cell in the colony. This ripple effect is very prominent in chaos. An interesting quote sums it up : A butterfly flapping its wings in Hong Kong will create a thunderstorm in New York a month later."

Does all this sound intresting ?

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*All these need VB's runtime library Msvbvm50.dll in your Windows/System folder
*Hoover the mouse over the disk icon to see the size of the ZIP archive.
*S indicates that the ZIP includes the source Visual Basic files .
*C indicates that the source code is well commented.