Here are smaller programs and bits and pieces that didn't merit their own pages.
- Programmer's Color Picker v1.21 Pick colors, grab colors from the screen, and translate between RGB, HSV, CMY, CMYK, YIQ, YUV, and HTML color models using two numeric formats (decimal and floating-point). Handy for the on-the-go OpenGL programmer.
- Base64 Utilities Converts Base64-encoded e-mail files (contained in any text file) to binary, and vice-versa. Works in DOS and most flavors of Windows.
- VBRUN100.ZIP If you don't have this file, you'll need it to use the Base64 programs. Just unzip the DLL and stick it in your Windows directory.
- RFC1521 The technical document used to write this. (The "official" explanation of MIME encoding.)
- HDR2TIFF Convert between two high dynamic range (HDR) image formats: Radiance HDR and floating-point TIFF.
- ABC2NW Translates and typesets ABC-format music files into the music typesetting software Noteworthy's format. ABC is a standard for transferring
melodies easily over the Internet using only small text files. ABC2NW is an almost totally complete implementation of the ABC standard; see its webpage for more information.
- Braeburn Software Braeburn Software writes Noteworthy, which you'll need to use ABC2NW.
- ABC Homepage Instructions on how to use ABC files and write your own. Includes links to ABC processing programs, players,
and HUGE collections of ABC tunes.
- TRIG1.ZIP A Turbo Pascal 6.0 unit (TPU) I released publicly which has 21 constants, functions and procedures I use for 2-D and 3-D graphics programming.
- MATH.INC A highly flexible INClude written in POV-Ray's scene description language for making 3-D function graphs out of triangles and smooth triangles. Some interesting animations can be made with this. Could be converted into another language for producing DXF files quite easily.
- DEM2TGA A program, converted from others in C, to convert USGS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data to TGA image format. Archive contains a DOS executable, my Turbo Pascal source, and technical documentation.
- HTML Utilities Various utilities to help you manage
large sets of HTML files - it puts headers and footers and other bits and pieces in and out for you.
- GIF Comment Editor Change the "comments" in your GIF files. Wow!
- 'Net Fixer Originally meant to fix GIF images so they were
"transparent" before many people knew what transparency was. Now just about every image processing program supports it, so this is pretty redundant.
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This page created and maintained by Sean O'Malley.