Right now, I can't supply a lot of details in this page. I have yet to elaborate a complete explanation and text about it. For now, this part of the site has been designed as a download site for the script I'm doing: Rudd-O's SwEEt ReVEnGe.
You can go to mIRC Scripts or mIRC X to get a HUGE list of underground sites and scripts for IRC.
For your experience, either you haven't used a script even once in your lifetime, or you are an expert script tester. This script is not remotely close to "ease of use" because it's aimed at practical use, therefore I recommend only users trying to learn advanced IRCing or with experience in scripts use it.
You probably have used the excellent script, Sweet Revenge 2.0 by xFurYx. I derived this script from his work that was rather challenging for a mind to understand. But it served its purpose. No holes anywhere in the code, clean programming and well-organized popups. Therefore, I took it as a base for further improvement, organization and new features. Don't give credit to me for how good the script it is. I deserve credit just for the new features, not for the excellent work xFurYx has done.
Here is a complete list of features and advantages added since I started editing the script:
So, you decide. Either you stay with your lame script or plain mIRC, or you get this one right now. The only thing missing is eggdrop controls. This is coming soon though.
Another nice thingies that came with the script were the bots (Partyline, Spy, Channel, and 3 more I can't remember right now) and the cloning and clone floods, which I have to admit, were perfectly programmed. I've improved the FloodNet to use clones too, so you and 5 friends, each one with 10 clones loaded, would flood someone as 66 clones at the same time, with just one command. Don't fuck with me!
The files listed below have been organized for ease of download. The point is, so that you don't have to get the big file every time I update it (almost daily), each revision is posted here as a patch (update). Since every patch is about 15k or so, you can get the latest version very quickly.
This way, if you want the latest script version, you have to download only the version update or the latest mIRC executable and not the FULL package again.
Don't try to update your script's mIRC executable with the mIRC installators, or else you might damage your script configuration. Use the executable file available here.
mIRC executable download:
File | Size | Description |
mIRC32 executable version 5.02 | 311 KB | mIRC 32-bit executable version 5.02 |
Main script download:
File | Size | Description |
Sweet Revenge's full package version 2.54 | 2,53 MB | complete script version 2.54 |
JAR decompressor download:
File | Size | Description |
JAR file decompressor 32-bit | 195 KB | program to decompress the script/update |
The files were compressed using a new program made by Robert K Jung (creator of ARJ). This program, called JAR, is really superior to every compression program in the world right now. I could have used ARJ or WinZip and made self-extractors, but that would have been approximately 350-400KB more to download because of the poor compression rates in comparison with JAR.
C:\JAR\JAR32 x <.j file>If you just downloaded the file rudrev_full_248.j in C:\Download, then you should run
C:\JAR\JAR32 x C:\DOWNLOAD\rudrev_full_248.jAny questions JAR should ask, just answer "yes", or "always" if you want not to be asked again.
Do the following steps for the files you have downloaded.
This means that if you downloaded the mIRC executable and the last version update, you only do steps 1 and 3.
First of all, move yourself to the ROOT DIRECTORY!
WARNING: You MUST BE in the root directory, C:\, when you decompress the file!
Once you did all the above steps, the files will be in C:\SrEVenGE\ and the sound files will be in C:\Windows\Media\SrEVenGE\ - to run the script, create a shortcut to "mirc32.exe" found in the C:\SrEVenGE folder.
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