The Razor's Edge
Graphic Design by BlueRidge Technologies

The Razor's Edge Talker Lists

Version 2.0 WWW

Add a New Talker to The Razor's Edge(tm)

Please note: Although it is most unlikely that you will experience any problems responding to this form, certain non-standard browsers will not respond properly. If you experience any difficulties, (or if you are not using a forms-capable browser) you may email your response to this form to:

To help keep The Razor's Edge as up to date as possible, I am experimenting with a new concept: The Add A Talker form. All you need to do to add your talker to my list is to fill in the following areas as completely as possible and submit the form to me by pushing the "Add this talker" button. The talker will be checked out personally by me, Zor, and will then be added within one week. Please make use of this new area as your feedback and input is vital to keeping this list up to date for you to use. Anyone filling out the email address portion of this form when submitting it will be added to the mailing list for The Razor's Edge. This will allow you to stay up to date as I send out new lists before I update the web page. You may also use thisto subscribe to my list.

Your preferred name

Your preferred email address

Talker name

DNS address

IP address

WWW page URL (optional)

FTP address (optional)

Gopher address (optional)


Talker Admin email address

Talker Code Base

Description or Comments:


Mail any comments to Zor at
"Let The Razor's Edge TM cut through for you!"TM

All material contained in The Razor's Edge pages are the property of Razor Sharp Productions and shall not be reproduced without permission.
Copyright © 1996 Razor Sharp Productions.
All Rights Reserved.
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