Current novel: Night of Broken Souls by Thomas F. Monteleone
I had a brainstorm in July 1993: I should be reading more novels. At the time I was reading a lot of magazines, and I felt that I was doing myself a disservice. I also thought it would be a neat idea to keep a log of the books I read and when I read them. Thus, the booklog was born.

I've discovered a couple of interesting things thanks to my booklog. Firstly, the number of books I read in a given timespan is directly proportional to my mood; the better my mood, the more books I read. If you bother to look at the completion dates you'll notice huge gaps where I didn't read anything, like 1998.

Secondly, I don't read nearly as many books as I should. In fact, I've only reached 10 books once, in 1994. That was an exceptionally good year for me, though.

Thirdly, I don't keep nearly enough information about the books I read. It was suggested to me once that I should keep better notes, directions I was sent in, passages I liked, thoughts I had. It's a great idea, but paper can be so limiting. I may consider using this forum to flesh out my booklog.

Overall, the booklog has been one of my better ideas. I recommend starting one to everyone who reads. To everyone else I recommend reading, it does wonders for you.

I've included a list of my favorite books, with some notes. I'm more than willing to discuss any of these on my Tedious Message Board.