Learning JavaBy Jonathan Ackerman 1998Version 1.0 |
The guide is targeted towards people who have done some coding before, but have not done any Java coding.
The guide expects you to have a Java Development Kit (JDK) correctly installed for the O/S you are running and it does not cover the installation of a JDK. All the code in the guide complies with version 1.1 of the Java language specification and the JDK you install should support the JDK version.
Have Fun
1.1 What is Java ?2. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
1.2 What can Java do ?
2.1 What is Object Oriented Programming ?3. Java Basics
2.2 Basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming2.2.1 Encapsulation2.3 What are the benefits of Object Oriented Programming ?
2.2.2 Inheritance
2.2.3 Polymorphism
2.2.4 Classes and Objects
3.1 Data types4. More on Classes
3.2 Statements3.2.1 if3.3 Declaring classes
3.2.2 for
3.2.3 while
3.2.4 do while
3.2.5 switch
3.4 The void main method
3.5 The HelloWorld application3.5.1 The code3.6 Command line arguments
3.5.2 Compiling the application
3.5.3 Running the application
3.7 Exercise 1: Greetings
4.1 Handling Errors - Exceptions and try, catch blocks5. Inheritance
4.2 Declaring Attributes
4.3 Exercise 2: Add it Up
4.4 Declaring Methods
4.5 Local Variables and Scope
4.6 Creating Objects
4.7 Better use of the void main Method
4.8 Exercise 3: SimpleCalc
5.1 Declaring classes6. The Java API
5.2 Overriding methods
5.3 Overloading methods
5.4 Interfaces
5.5 Type casting
5.6 Exercise 4 : Brain Bender
6.1 Packages7. Streams
6.2 The java.lang package6.2.1 The System class
6.2.2 The String class
6.2.3 The Math class
6.2.4 The Runtime class
6.2.5 The Object class
7.1 What is a stream ?8. More Classes from the Java API
7.2 The InputStream class
7.3 The OuputStream class
7.4 The FileInputStream class
7.5 Exercise 5: FileDisplayer
7.6 Readers and Writers
7.7 Exercise 6: Average value from input file
8.1 The StringTokenizer class9. Threads
8.2 The Date class
8.3 The Vector class
8.4 The Hashtable class
8.5 Exercise 7: Average Orders per Day
9.1 What is a thread ?10. The JDBC
9.2 The Thread class
9.3 The Runnable interface
9.4 Writing thread safe code
9.5 Exercise 8 :
10.1 What is the JDBC11. The AWT
10.2 Connecting to the database
10.3 Executing SQL
10.4 Commits and Rollbacks
11.1 What is the AWT ?
11.2 Inner classes
11.3 Listeners and Adapters
11.4 Creating a Frame
11.5 Layout managers
11.6 Creating a Menu
11.7 Adding controls to a Frame
11.8 Exercise 9: Simple Editor