8.5 Exercise 7: Average Orders per Day 

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Write a Java application that: The input text file lists order information. Each line consists of three values: the order number, the order date, the total value of the order. Below is a sample file:
1 24/1/1998 $234.78
2 24/1/1998 $12.89
3 24/1/1998 $89.45
4 25/1/1998 $10.78
5 26/1/1998 $123.78
6 26/1/1998 $89.67
7 27/1/1998 $23.10
8 27/1/1998 $23.78
Using this file the application would produce the following output:
Date         No. Orders   Tot. Value  Avg. Value
24/1/1998        3            337.12      112.37
25/1/1998        1             10.78       10.78
26/1/1998        2            213.45      106.73
27/1/1998        2             46.88       23.44