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System Musts


I finally tracked down Peter Dobrovka and sent him the following interview:

Q:Will 3DTT have tiles as in Simcity?

:No, it will be 100% vector based. You can build everything everywhere if
there is enough space.
This will allow streets and tracks to lead in every direction, not only in 8
(or even 4) directions.
Recommended screenshot:
This idea is the motor of the project. We did not intend to make a sequel to
TT in our first brainstorming but to design a CAD-like game engine that does
not need a tile-grid anymore. The project could have become a Simcity
sequel as well.

Q:Will you have at least as many engines, trucks,etc. as in Transport

We don't know exactly the amount yet but surely we will have much more. We
also aim to have different worlds like in TT with different graphics and
different engines. There will be also a playing mode where the player has to
research and design his own engines which gives - theoretically - an
unlimited number of engines to the game.
Last but not least we want to publish our construction tools so that
everyone can design own engines and and buildings and exchange these models
with others. This will happen very soon, long time before releasing the
final version of 3DTT because the designing of models is our weakest part in
the team and maybe some people are happy if they can contribute their own

Q:Is the game going to have a multiplayer option?

Yes, and we have begun to implement it already. But I don't know when it
will be a new feature in our demos. This TCP/IP and IPX stuff is somewhat difficult!

Q:Is the game going to have 3 track rails for going up mountains?

Hm... - there were already thoughts about it, but I don't know. Maybe, if
there is enough manpower and we keep in schedule...

Q:The game should be great! But will it have any other forms of transport,
such as monorail?

Yes. There will be a magnetic monorail. We also thought about spaceports
with spaceships travelling to Mars but it is not decided it will come out or

Q:Will 3DTT have motorways, something sadly lacking in Transport Tycoon.

Yes, there will be motorways. There will also be streets in every size of
width and one-way-streets. But it is questionable who will build them.
Street-building is in almost every country the job of the government. We
will see...

Q:Will there be curved bridges and tunnels?

Yes, the 3D-engine allows us to handle bridges and tunnels the same way as
normal ways. So there are curves and even grades.

Q:What about the economy system? In TT the stations accepted unlimited
amounts of cargo and the passengers did not care where they were transported

The economy system of TT and 3DTT will have almost nothing in common. In
3DTT every house and industry will produce passengers and cargo with goals.
These will decide what transport to use dependent from their goal. So if you
have f.e. a station A and a station B with 100 passengers per month from A
to B this amount will increase if you build a track from B to C because
there will now appear passengers who want to travel from A to C.

Thank-you Peter, I have corrected spelling but that was it, it is in it's raw form!

This site is copywright© of Christopher Allan 1999
The 3DTT and the Way-X logo are copywright© of Way-X, 1999