Delphi Components
Piece of My Mind
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If the following picture is colored at the moment, then you can click on it to send me a
Yahoo message.
If the image is black and white, then you can
e-mail me.
Hello folks! Here you can download some of the programs that I've written over the past few years trying to learn the much talked about concepts. Object oriented programming and low-level programming barely scratches the surface of some great ideas, but here's a start.
Before you download anything, be warned that these programs are provided on an _AS_IS_ basis. That means if you use any of these programs and your hard drive crashes, I don't have to listen to you whining about your pathetic life. In simpler words, if you undergo physical, spiritual, or mental damages, please be advised that it's all your fault.
OK people, for now these programs are free. However, I do request that if you do have any amazon.com gift certificates that you don't intend to use, please let me have them. I'd really appreciate it. Just e-mail them to me. My e-mail address is in the about box in all my programs. Thanx!
Sep. 14th, 2001
FotoView 5.0 release has been rescheduled for Nov. 2001. I apologize for the delay but I've been so busy with my real job, that I've had not time to work on FotoView.
Thank you for your patience
June 25th, 2001
Due to some issues I'd rather not go into detail about I've removed all programs but FotoView.
FotoView v3.2
Click the picture on the right for a screenshot. So what does this program do? Here's a list:
It let's you view pictures in a directory
You can see a thumbnail view
You can click on thumbnails for a full size picture
You can view a picture full screen
You can Zoom in/out of pictures
You can print pictures
You can view slideshows of pictures
You can create/save slideshows from different directories for later view
You can create shortcuts to your favorite folders
You can customize everything you can think of
You can drag and drop files into the window
You can drop files on FotoView icon from explorer and it will start up the program.
.... and my hands are getting cramped up typing all these qualities. Just check it out yourself.
Think you'd like to download it?
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