BYTE BRASIL - March 1993.
Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing : PenWindows
Vanderley Campos / Ariosto Martire
FOLHA DE SAO PAULO - Folha Informatica
Wednesday , September 27 , 1989
UNIX version 5 for INTEL Based Equipment
Luis Henrique Amaral / Ariosto Martire
Diario do Comercio e Industria - DCI Informatica.
Monday , September 25 , 1989
Intel 32 Bits Machines superseeds 286 based pc's.
Maria Lucia Ferlance/Ariosto Martire.
Intercom - HEWLETT PACKARD Intercontinental Journal
Vol.5 No.2 Spring 1979.
Service: A Quiet Transformation.
Methods for Services becomes a "Product".
I participated representing the companies were I work in the following associations:
Sociedade Brasileira de Comando Numérico - Brazilian Association of Numerical Command Supplier and users,
This association takes cares of CAD, CAM , ROBOTICS and Industrial Automation.
I Represented PROMON in this association from 1988 to 1989.
Sociedade Brasileira de Usuarios de Computadores - Brazilian Association of Computer Users,
This association unifies most of the companies that supply and uses computers in BRAZIL.
I Represented PROMON in this association from 1988 to 1989.
ABICOMP - Associacao Brasileira da Industria de Computadores.
Brazilian Association of Computer Industry,This association unifies all the companies that supplies,
assembles and manufactures Computers in BRAZIL . I represented LABO in this association from 1990 to 1992.