The Study

The door to the study creaks open as the butler enters and you follow. Faust, the lynx in the bobble hat, trots in after you. The room is unevenly decorated and filled with books lying open or stuffed with bookmarks keeping relevant points. A board on one wall is covererd with strange drawings. Under a desk you find a folder filled with typed pages, all short stories. Attached to each is a little yellow sticky post-it note describing each story in the author's own words...

The Charisma Particle
When I was part of a writing workshop I was given this title and asked not to write an SF story. So this was the result.

Famous Last Words
One of my favourites this. Another SF/Armageddon asteroid story, but for once one without a happy ending...

Through Flanders, Portugal and Spain...
This one was written for my university degree. A fictional account of a real regiment it's riddled with historical inaccuracies but is a decent read nonetheless.

Shadows Over Earth
A Babylon 5 story set in the past. Interesting stuff. I'd like to know how many people guessed what was going on before the end...

His Face And Mine
A bizarre, rather philosophical piece inspired by the poetry of Desmond Walcott, with a dash of Pratchett and a little Gaiman. Probably the closest my writing ever gets to having a 'message'.

Miles To Go...
Anonther bizarre poetry inspired piece, this time the poets being Robert Frost and Dylan Thomas. And again, Gaiman gets into it... Not as good as the previous one but has some nice stuff anyway.

As you finish reading the butler appears at your shoulder "If sir," he says "wishes to return to the lobby then sir should follow me.