The Entrance Hall

Good evening. Come in and dry yourself off. Welcome to Sun-Dog's Kennel. The Master is unavailable at the moment. Between you and me he's concerned about his teams in the World Cup. Having both an English and a Scottish parent and having grown up in both countries means he has two teams to support and twice the sense of worry. It is not helped by problems with the wallpaper in the West Wing.

In the meantime I have been exploring the possibilities of dragging out the Master's Uncle's old card table for visitors to examine. We are also looking into other possibilities for entertaining our guests. The Master is muttering something about 'Shockwaves' which I must confess to a lack of knowledge about. Still, I'm sure he'll explain before too long.

For the moment we still have the Geoguide in the basement which we reccomend all guests look at before they leave. There are also the usual sights to see. If you would kindly come this way I shall point out some of the highlights of the Master's humble town-kennel...

Up here is the Master's Study where he enjoys his more cerebral interests, including his writing. I'm sure he would not object if I were to show you some of his short stories. Some of them have been quite favourably reviewed by his friends and I'm sure he would appreciate your input as well...

Up these steps is the Master's Solarium where he tends to do much of his reading and sketching. Here we may find the Master's sketchbook which he loves to show off to visitors.

Of course if you wish to learn more about the Master then you would be best advised to join me below stairs. We can break out the port while I tell you about the Master, who I have known since he was a little pup...

And here we have Faust, the Master's pet lynx. And blow me if he does not have a list of some of the Master's favourite places to go on the Web in his mouth...
Here Faust, give it here, boy...

Before you begin exploring the Kennel may I just remind you that the stories, sketches, cartoons and most of the words belong to the Master and is copyrighted by him in either 1997 or 1998.

You may also be interested to learn that you are the th person to have visited the Master's house recently.

If you have enjoyed visiting this Kennel you may be interested in building your own. The Master obtained this plot of land from the gentlemen at Geocities who let out the land for free.
I believe they will let you have some too if you ask nicely...
Alternatively you could visit other places in SoHo. And here's that Geoguide I mentioned earlier...

Goodnight all.