Craig MacKenzie

Writer's Notes:
The following notes were not included in the original newsletter. They are intended to explain to the reader some of what was meant by various items in the newsletter.
Craig was the second senior to be honored with a tribute edition of this newsletter. Meri Kiernan was the first.
"Gay Farmer" is what a few of us use to refer to a store really called "The Elegant Farmer" here in Chelmsford. Sarah Ames dubbed it that, after a joke about how "elegant" was a 90's term for gay. So, we tease him by calling it the "Gay Farmer" instead. They sell gourmet food, or more appropriately, "yuppie chow" like sprouts, granola stuff, all that healthy crunchy food. All the stuff is wicked expensive.
The joke in Damn Yankees is that every year, Mr. Rondina and Mrs. Stevens post clues as to what the musical will be. They announce it immediately after Winter Concert, gathered around in the McCarthy Band Room. Every year, the joke is that it will be Damn Yankees, which no one really knows too much about. So we all as a joke make up explanations as to why it must be Damn Yankees. The real joke will be when they decide to actually do Damn Yankees, and we have all given up on that joke.
If you want to know what the meaning behind the "Seductive Bunny" is, go to the supermarket, and pick up a bag of Bunny Luv carrots. Our joke is that they are using sex to sell vegetables. If you can't figure it out, email me. I'd say to email Craig, but I think he'll kill me if I put his address up on this page.
Craig was determined to win the title of "Always Smiling" in the yearbook. Even though he didn't actually get elected as "Always Smiling" he wanted it and every day would ask just about everybody whether or not he was always smiling. So, I felt he deserved it anyway. He also has a mild "thing" for fleece, and thus earned the fictional title of "Medal of Honor from the U.F.O."