The New Paradigm Oracle: "Sequoia" by Linda M. Ochoa


Contents of the New Paradigm Oracle

"The time is come," the
walrus said,"to speak of many things
of crowns and thorns and sealing wax
and cabbages and kings
of presidents and thong underwear
of diplomats to Middle East
of tyrants lobbing anthrax bombs
and gasoline additives that aren't so neat
of young women who live in redwood trees
much older than their mothers
and watch below, the whistles blow
as young loggers come and go
eating their tangerines and tuna.
It's peanut butter today,
a Famous Star tomorrow
as wrappers grow into a mountain below
and bulldozers show
who is really king of the forest. . .
do we really care anyway?"
Says the walrus to the sequoia,
"And, don't tell this ditty to the carpenter,
as he works for harvesters,
& we all know they are the wor-rest.
So, come down stairs, pretty maid.
You've lived in the tree too long,
and we'll saunter off
to a spot that's magically lost
and the sequoia and the rocks are for-us."




Copyright 1999 by Linda Ochoa. All rights reserved.

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