Verbal Character Portrait
by Len Clark
"What are you rebelling against?", I asked him, expecting
the Brando-like reply. "What have you got?", he replied, as
expected. "So what are going to do about tomorrow?", I had
asked him. Tomorrow, a major report was due, a report that he hadn't
even started yet. "I don't know, I'm not worried about it."
He had every reason to be worried. That report was a major determinant
between passing or failing, and he was miserably close to failing. "Fine.",
I told him, "don't worry about. I, on the other hand, have to worry
about it." I wasn't completely finished with it. "That's cool.",
he said on his way to math class. I never figured out how he got through
that year with that attitude.
That attitude was a front, in fact it was a false front. He always
tried to have that tough, "strong, silent type", exterior
which really masked a shy sensitive, persona that he never wanted to
leak out. But the whole thing looked phony, and sounded ridiculous.
Actually, he was too shy to put that persona on to cover up his shyness,
so his condition he tried to mask really prevented him from masking
it. There he was, trying valiantly to put up this false front that never
really showed through, although he thought and believed that it was.
The only thing that showed through was his silence, his shyness, the
very thing he tried so desperately to hide.
Scheme Productions, 1998 - 2004
Last Updated:
July 13, 2003 9:13 PM
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