connection between art and life is the quintessential tool of
art education. The best way to impart this is by example. My
own creativity is challenged and refreshed whenever I teach.
Designing, preparing and presenting a class which communicates
an idea through material is the same I ask of my students work.
The bridge between the student’s life and art increases
when experimentation is encouraged and focused by rigorous standards.
My standards balance visual form and directness of content.
What does the artwork say for itself? How does the work grow
from reference to past and present artists? How clearly does
the content shine through the form? Are any conventions obscuring
the more immediate statement? These exercises encourage directness
and standards, which are applied to the student's own work,
and thereby produce artistic growth.
At basic levels technical proficiency is a prime concern as
students expand their vocabulary. Then as experiences increase,
discussions and assignments connect material and ideas. The
medium must also be appropriate to the message. Discussing material
continues until the advanced student's words become the criteria
and direction for their work. How seamlessly do the spoken concepts
reflect the work? With such yardsticks, the students realize
that ultimately passion and intensity will distinguish their
Acquired knowledge flows best from occasions using that knowledge.
I provide those occasions.