Just when I thought life couldn't get more irritating, Ken gets internet access. Of course, the asshole immediately e-mailed me. And what did he want to know? Where his shit was, of course. Luckily for me, he was still online when I got his e-mail, so I IM'ed him. And was perfectly horrible to him. He deserved it! He got Vanya, Keith's wife, to call me again today. I let my mother tell her to fuck off. When I was talking to Ken online, I told him that he'd better leave me the fuck alone about getting his stuff back, or else I could guarantee that he'd never see any of it again. I can't wait until he finds this site...perhaps I should send him a link? One of you could....just Click Here. While you're at it, feel free to tell him what a sorry asshole you think he is for ditching us and taking joy in our misery.
Dirk was very late today. When he didn't come over at one, I decided to do a little experiment. Instead of calling him to find out what the hell was taking so long, I waited. I knew he'd overslept, and I didn't feel like being his alarm clock. An hour and a half later, Dirk finally calls, afraid that I'm mad at him and wondering why I didn't call to wake him up. I'm so mean to him. I was mad, and let him know....then he started crying. Why am I such a complete asshole to him? I feel like a jerk when he cries.
I spent a lot of time and energy looking for "Sun-In". You know, that stuff you spray in your hair when you're going to be out in the sun so that it gets lighter. I don't like the stuff that's actually called "Sun-In", but they no longer make the stuff I like using. Sucks. So, I'm stuck using "Sun-In". If it doesn't work, I'm going to march over to the drug store and make the clerk drink it.
My mother's going completely ballistic. I called to ask about a car I saw for $500, and they called back while I was out. My mother started circling around me like a vulture, saying she knew how my mind works, and knew that I'd screwed up in school. So I kept a bland expression on my face, and told her to leave me alone. After I was nice enough to stop by Jerry's and pick up a NY white pizza with mushrooms on it, too! She wants me out of the house, bad. Good. I feel the same. As soon as I save up enough money and have a car, I'm outta there. I'm sick of hearing her bitch about Dirk and the fact that he's "going nowhere in life". I'm sick of hearing her ask why I don't find more acceptable people to hang around (hello? They're fucking boring!). I'm sick of hearing anything that comes out of her mouth. It's always either negative or incredibly ignorant. Sometimes a combination of the two. Why is she my mother? I wish she'd divorced my father, except it would kill him. The poor fool loves her. She treats him like an imbecile, taunts him constantly, threatens to leave him whenever she gets irritable, and he loves her. It's actually kind of sick.
Katie A- was behind us at an intersection today. So, we followed her to the grocery store so we could talk to her while she shopped. She's getting too touchy-feely. If she tells me I'm cute again, I'm just going to kill her. If she touches my face in that really condescending way again, I'm just going to kill her. Understand: this doesn't mean I don't like her. On the contrary, I'm quite fond of her. But no-one, especially if they're female, has my permission to touch me, outside of the odd hug. It makes my skin crawl.
That's another thing that irritates the crap outta me: when I talk on the phone with Dirk, he can't wait to get off, and tells me he doesn't like talking on the phone very much. However, he told Katie A- as she was leaving that he'd call her tonight. Oh, what? It's a chore to talk to me on the phone, but he's enthusiastic about talking to her on the phone? I think I'm going to have a fit. Maybe I should just kill everyone around me. That would make my life so much easier. I wouldn't have to deal with everyone's bullshit, and I wouldn't have them all irritating me to no end. Other people are just irritants, except Dirk. And sometimes he's an irritant, too.
I'm just in a bad mood. I talked to Dalin online today....she might be able to send me money. I'm not holding my breath, though. I also heard something interesting....Krisco's friends had a huge fight with her soon after spring break. Basically, they told her to straighten up, or they weren't gonna hang out with her at all anymore. No wonder she chose such an odd time to get her shit together. Add her friends to everything Dirk and I were doing, and I guess she really couldn't stay in la-la land, no matter how much she probably wanted to. I suppose they finally got sick of hearing Krisco whine about Dirk. God knows I did.
I need to work through my anti-social tendencies. Shit, my mother is always telling me that people are irritants. I've picked up a lot of horrible little habits from her that are really hard to unlearn. I remember how puzzled I was when Dirk reacted so badly to being spit upon. As far as I knew, spitting on someone was a perfectly acceptable way to let them know you were angry with them. My mother also taught me how to make someone feel five inches high with a single glance. The only good thing about knowing all this is that it doesn't work on me when she tries to use the same tactics she taught me. Knowledge imparts immunity.