Diary 131


Today was...interesting, I suppose. John called me at 12:38, and told me he was at the Baskin Robin's. I offered to pick him up, told him I'd be there in 10-15 minutes, so he could hang out with Dirk and I. When I went there, he wasn't there. The girls who worked there said that he'd asked them to tell me that there'd been a huge mistake, and he'd gotten a ride from somewhere else. He'd also said that he would call me as soon as possible. Complete flake. He knew that I was going to pick him up on my way to pick up Dirk. I wasn't going to be home for the call.

I went to pick up Dirk, who was mad because I was late, and we stopped by my house before we went to Manassas. Of course, John had called while I was out, and left no forwarding number. So, off we went.

We spent the afternoon looking for guitar stores that were open. The only worthwhile one that was open was Classic Axe. I was disgusted with Dirk and wanted to smoke a clove, so I sat in the car for a while. When I finally went in, I found him playing my new obsession: an Ovation Acoustic Bass. I didn't know these fucking things existed. I played it, and it was perfect. $500+ for it, though. That would wipe out an entire paycheck. Pleasepleaseplease send me money so I can buy it. Pleasepleasepleaseplease. I need it. If you've never played an instrument and enjoyed it, trust me--you don't understand. Pleasepleaseplease.

We went and got ice cream and 3-D Doritos, my last splurge before I start doing the diet thing seriously. I'm going to miss my Ben&Jerry's. Especially the Blackberry Cobbler flavor.

Then, I brought Dirk to his parents' house, and went home to read. Right before I was going to pick Dirk up again, after dinner, John called. He and Fred wanted to hang out, but Dirk and I were planning to go to the movies, and they were broke. So, I offered to pay their way, and the hesitantly accepted. I picked them up, and we went to get Dirk. I made them wait in the car while I got Dirk. I thought he'd be happy, since he likes John so much. Instead, he fucking yelled at me for offering to pay their way. As if I don't pay for him nearly every time we go to the movies together. He also yelled at me for changing plans at the last minute.

Then he got into the car and acted as though nothing happened.

I know I've promised I wasn't going to attack him anymore, but he was fucking asking for it. Really. I fumed the whole ride to the bank, where Dirk didn't even offer to come to the ATM with me, I fumed all the way to Charlie's house, I fumed all the way to the movie theater. And Dirk just sat there talking to John and Fred as though nothing was going on. So, I handed him the money when we were waiting in line, told him to buy three tickets, and told him I'd pick them all up after the movie was over.

That fucking got his attention. He stood there trying to hug me, telling me to calm down, begging me to come to the movie. I felt bad, because this happened in front of John and Fred, but I honestly was not going to see that movie as pissed off as I was. After Dirk apologized for a couple of minutes, I agreed to see the movie. Of course, since it was The X-Files I don't think I could really have gone through with skipping it, but I had to make my point.

The movie was pretty good, but I was incredibly disappointed. They didn't fucking kiss!!! I paid money to see this fucking thing, and they didn't fucking kiss!!! I am livid! Absolutely livid! They fucking teased me with promises, and then they just fuck with my mind. I mean, granted Scully did kiss Mulder on the forhead, and Mulder did pull Scully close, and they were fucking zooming in for the kiss when the bee barged in and fucked it all up, but it's not the same!

I am utterly disappointed.

Good movie though. Unfortunately, it was just like the show, except they don't even almost-kiss on the show. The closest they came was when Monkey-Boy made himself look like Mulder and almost kissed Scully. Utterly pathetic. It's the reason I chant, "Scully kissed Monkey-Boy" whenever she's being stubborn. It proves she's just as fallible as the rest of us.

The movie was scary in parts, though, and I had to bury my face in Dirk's shoulder or chest. I was especially traumatized by all of the bits with aliens in them. They weren't nice aliens. And the black goo bothered me. I've always been afraid of the black goo.

We dropped John and Fred off with a friend of John's, this utterly feminine guy whose name I can't remember anymore. Honestly the guy would have made a very pretty girl, and he had a vaguely feminine voice, for all that he was dressed as tough as you can get with some of these grunge-hippy types.

I also found a pair of flip-flops in the back of my car. I have no idea where they came from.

Something disturbing. Now that school's out, Krisco's got a lot of free time. I don't trust that girl with free time.

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