June 1998

06-01/02-98Day Of Reckoning; Judge, Jury, and Executioner Gets The Laxative Treatment; Seduction

06-03-98Too Trusting; State of My Shirt; Only Myself; Cosmic Revenge Upon Krisco

06-04-98Gay Personal Ads; Poison Ivy; Manipulation

06-05-98Old Boyfriends; Deep Shit

06-06-98Bob Hope; Waste Of Time

06-07-98The Cops Were There For Us; Hello Kitty Revisited; No Money

06-08/09-98Phone Sex Fiascos; Compliments

06-10-98Birthday Parties; Glueboy; Jealousy

06-11-98The Scars Never Show

06-12-98Gay Orgies; I'm Poor

06-13-98Humiliation; Fox Demons

06-14-98Internet Abuse; Bug Ordure; Book Shopping

06-15-98Unburden Yourself; New Songs; Storms; Unkindness

06-16-98 Louie-Louie; Sludge; Cactus Love

06-17-98Über-Pricks; Chinese; Songs


06-19-98Interviews; Dead Boys

06-20-98Keeper; Believe in Me

06-21-98X-Files; Acoustic Bass; Flakes; My Money

06-22-98Charlie; The Woods

06-23-98Mick Farren; Mind Control Fantasies

06-24-98War Declarations; Driver's Ed; Delusions of Grandeur

06-25-98Yanking Roachboy's Chain

06-26-98HIV; Motivation

06-27-98Car Crash

06-28/29/30-98Yes, I'm quite aware of the fact that I'm lazy, thank you.



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Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother do you think they'll like this song?
Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls?

Mother should I build the wall?

Mother should I run for president?
Mother should I trust the government?
Mother will they put me in the firing line?

Mother is it just a waste of time?

Hush now baby don't you cry.
Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you,
Mama's gonna keep you right here, under her wing,
She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing,
Mama's gonna keep baby cozy and warm.

Ohhhh... Babe,
Ohhhh... Babe,
Ohh... Babe, of course mama's gonna help build the wall.

Mother do you think she's good enough..... for me?
Mother do you think she's dangerous..... to me?
Mother will she tear your little boy apart?

Mother will she break my heart?

Hush now baby don't you cry.
Mama's gonna check out all of your girlfriends for you,
Mama won't let anyone dirty get through,
Mama's gonna wait up, until you get in,
Mama will always find out just where you've been,
Mama's gonna keep baby, healthy and clean.

Ooohhhh... Baby,
Ooohhhh... Baby,
Ooohhhh baby, you'll always be baby to me.

Mother did it need to be so high?

Programming Note:

Lyrics from the song
"Mother," performed by
The band, Pink Floyd

. s k a t t e r k a t . c o p y r i g h t . 1 9 9 8