<header>Diary 66</header>


This weather is making me so lazy. I don't feel like doing anything, much less homework, or attending classes.

I got some really horrible news from Dirk yesterday night. His parents are getting evicted from the house they're renting. Ipso facto, Dirk's getting evicted, too. Krisco's already offering to let him live with her. Over my fucking dead, maggoty body. I'd kill off my parents so I could get their life insurance policy, first.

So, this could be counted as a major problem. I'm trying not to freak out right now. It's a little hard. What will we do? Dirk might be homeless by May!

My guestbook-hopping is paying off, astoundingly. I don't know why it means so much to get a lot of traffic to my site. Call it egotism, if you like. Plus, I've run into a lot of really neat-o personal homepages that I might not otherwise have discovered. Without guestbook-hopping, I might never have known that there's a game based upon Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series. Dirk says I should start guestbook-hopping for the 'zine. We're only getting about 3 or 4 hits a day, which is depressing.

Speaking of, I got an e-mail from a member of Die Feen. They're a punk band where I live that got the Number 7 spot in Dirk's Top Ten of 1997. They were shocked at our mention of their band. I got them to link to the Uber Alles Homepage, to reciprocate our link to their site. I like it when I get proof that somebody out there is noticing what we're writing.

Some bitch "reviewed" my site, along with a bunch of others in the Glasshouse Journal queue. She said mine was mediocre, and need links to the previous and next entries on every page. As if. Unlike her, I actually have a life outside of my computer and the Internet. Her URL is: Rantings of a PMS'ing Loser. She didn't just trash my site, she also trashed the sites of some girls whose journals I, personally, liked. One of them was Gypsy Story. The girl who writes it is a little young (16), but I think it's pretty nifty that she knows HTML and even has her own site. When I was 16, I thought the Internet was a stupid fad that would go away soon. I knew nothing about it, much less had my own homepage.

What makes me mad about this girl trashing people's online journals is the fact that these are people's lives. She's criticizing my life! How dare that bitch? My life, mediocre? At least I don't spend my whole life in front of a fucking computer, being snotty at other people's expense. In the same entry she even goes on about how intelligent she is. I'm not even going to touch that. I've wasted too much time on her as it is.

If you haven't guessed by how much of this was devoted to online issues, I spent most of my day asleep. The rest of it has been spent online. I picked Dirk up at 7 this morning, and we slept until noon. Like I said, it's the weather.

Stop The Presses!!!
I got my first hate-mail (or hurt-mail) today. It was from that guy, Dan, that I wrote about back in March (Look under, "Republican Rendez-Vous"). Apparently, he was not pleased by what I said. Here's what he had to say:
Well, I thank you for your high opinion of me. My name is Dan actually. And I'm not a Republican. And I'm sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way. You might not like Regan. And I'm okay with that. I don't enjoy politics. But I have my own views and I hate it when flaming liberals use theirs like sledge hammers just because they feel like it. I don't give shit one what you do with your life. Become a office worker. Or a famous writer. Or a welfare mother. I DON'T CARE. I just think we all need to give something to the world. If you don't wanna, that's fine. I was just wondering if you were going to. That's all. I'm sorry if I disrupted your carefree, bitchy, overbearing life.
Remember: I have no shame. I was actually rather hurt by his e-mail. Ooops, it isn't as if I, of all people, actually have the right to have opinions and express them, huh?

Sigh. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but here goes nothing: If you know me in real life, and you'll get offended if I say anything bad about you in this journal, don't read it. I don't need the fucking traffic that badly. This is my life; these are my thoughts, my opinions. Insulting e-mail isn't going to change my opinion of you. All it will do is get your e-mail posted up on my site, so I can use it in my entries.

At least I don't use last names at all. Could be worse. I could have posted up Dan's e-mail address, and asked people to send him hate mail. But I haven't done that, have I? Hell, I could do it with Krisco's address, too. She'd deserve it more. Haven't done that, either. And he calls me "bitchy".

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