Diary 86


Happy Anniversary!!! At the sound of the chime, Dirk and I will have been dating for eight months. No minor feat, that.

I woke up today with my old friend, the fatigue headache. It's like a dull throb behind my eyes, muted fireworks. I didn't want to go to work, but I've been taking too many sick days lately.

Cathy called this afternoon: Laurell K. Hamilton has a new book out. She's our favorite author, and we tag-team on checking the bookstores for her latest. Anita Blake, the heroine of her stories, is my idol: she kills people, intimidates everyone, and she's only 5'4".

Dirk's supposed to be moving tomorrow--as his girlfriend, I get to help him. I don't mind. As long as he doesn't make a habit of having to move often. I hated that with Ken.

I'm going to try being nicer to Dirk. I know I've been hard to get along with, and stress and PMS are never a good combination, especially with me. Sometimes I say stuff without even thinking about it. I don't have a very good understanding of how to treat people with respect. It's not something I was exposed to as a child. My mother treats everyone as though they're so far below her, they've created a whole new definition of inferiority. (Almost everyone. She's not entirely out of touch with reality. She treats her boss and coworkers like equals, even behaves like a human being around them.) I guess some of that rubbed off. It's hard to overcome, but I'm going to try.

I need to get rid of my NedStat counter. I'm becoming addicted to checking it on an hourly basis (if not more).

Yet again, I spent the day in the field, at another top-secret receptionist's desk. Fieldwork might be prestigious, but it's hard and irritating. I edited a document so that it became 23 pages long instead of 1. When I saved my edits, they didn't take. I lost 22 pages of work!!

I almost talked myself out of doing my homework for tonight's business class. After all, I had no idea how to answer the questions. I have a mental block when it comes to anything involving the stock market and/or numbers. However, after a little mental figuring, I realized that not doing the assignment at all might push my grade down to a "C". So, I decided to B.S. the assignment. After all, any points at all are better than a "0" grade.

Unfortunately, Claire decided to give me an assignment five minutes before she knew I had to leave for the day. So, I rushed around with that, ended up leaving late, getting to the Pentagon late, and standing in line behind a bunch of assholes who got mad when I hopped in the first car that came along. Life's tough. Besides, I know that they lie to drivers who come up asking for people going to my commuter lot. So many people park at the mall, and no-one wants to go there on the way home, so they tell the drivers that no-one's in line for the commuter lot. I wish someone would slash the tires of the people who park at the mall. I bet they'd quit parking there, permanently.

That sounded anti-social. Need to work on that.

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