You know, there's a point in the night where you may as well give up on sleeping. I reached that point at 3 a.m., with my alarm set to 5:30. I knew that if I went to sleep, I'd be miserable all day. I slept anyway, because anything was better than the ache that was burning across my shoulders. And woke up feeling like shit, of course.
It didn't help that as Assistant Training Officer In Training, I had a huge load of work, and still had my business exam to complete.
Maybe I'm too mean lately. Maybe I need to be nicer maybe I should wear tee-shirts that declare "I Kiss My Cat On The Lips" and share my deepest darkest secrets with people on the elevator. And maybe I should get a lobotomy.
I miss the good old days, when I didn't have to wear pantyhose more than once a year. Somewhere in the fevered midnight clove-haze that was my room last night, I lost my glasses. Again. Dirk's threatening to superglue them on. I smoked half a pack of those suckers last night...if I remember correctly, they make your lungs bleed. Lung cancer, here we come!!!
I feel really guilty about the Über Alles site. I haven't put up all the stuff from the last issue, and it's time to put up a new issue. I've gotten far too caught up in my online journal. There's other things I have to be doing, even if it does mean I'll be retroactively putting in new entries.
Pia's leaving tomorrow!!! I cannot believe it!!! I'm incredibly upset. One last night mock Scully together. One last night to gorge on Ben & Jerry's. I don't know what I'll do without her. Except, perhaps, not gain so much weight. I wonder if she'll ever think of me when she's back in the Philippines.
No calls from Ken yet, I think he gave up. I might apply for a credit card. Never know when one of those things will come in handy.
By the way, do the mood/personality swings bother you? Did you think I just made up the name of this journal to be cool?