Returns a date to which a specified time interval has been added.
See also DateConvert, DatePart, and CreateTimeSpan.
DateAdd(datepart, number, date)
One of the following strings:
-- Year
-- Quarter
-- Month
-- Day of year
-- Day
-- Weekday
-- Week
-- Hour
-- Minute
-- Second
Number of units of datepart to add to date (positive to get dates in the future or negative to get dates in the past).
Date/time object in the period from 100 AD to 9999 AD. Years from 0 to 29 are interpreted as 21st century values. Years 30 to 99 are interpreted as 20th century values.
The datepart specifiers "y," "d," and "w" perform the same function -- add a certain number of days to a given date.
When passing a date/time value as a string, make sure it is enclosed in quotes. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a number representation of a date/time object, returning undesired results.
<!--- This example shows the use of DateAdd ---> ... <CFQUERY NAME="GetMessages" DATASOURCE="cfsnippets"> SELECT UserName, Subject, Posted FROM Messages </CFQUERY> <P>This example uses DateAdd to determine when a message in the database will expire. (The value selected is messages older than <CFOUTPUT>#value# <CFSWITCH EXPRESSION=#type#> <CFCASE VALUE="yyyy">years</CFCASE> <CFCASE VALUE="q">quarters</CFCASE> <CFCASE VALUE="m">months</CFCASE> <CFCASE VALUE="y">days of year</CFCASE> <CFCASE VALUE="w">weekdays</CFCASE> <CFCASE VALUE="ww">weeks</CFCASE> <CFCASE VALUE="h">hours</CFCASE> <CFCASE VALUE="n">minutes</CFCASE> <CFCASE VALUE="s">seconds</CFCASE> <CFDEFAULTCASE>years</CFDEFAULTCASE> </CFSWITCH> </CFOUTPUT>). <TABLE> <TR> <TD>UserName</TD> <TD>Subject</TD> <TD>Posted</TD> </TR> <CFOUTPUT query="GetMessages"> <TR> <TD>#UserName#</TD> <TD>#Subject#</TD> <TD>#Posted# <CFIF DateAdd(type, value, posted) LT Now()>EXPIRED</CFIF></TD> </TR> </CFOUTPUT> </TABLE> ...