Inserts the specified key-value pair into the specified structure. Returns Yes if the insert was successful and No if an error occurs.
See also StructClear, StructDelete, StructFind, StructIsEmpty, StructKeyArray, StructCount, StructKeyArray, and StructUpdate.
StructInsert(structure, key, value [, allowoverwrite ])
Structure to contain the new key-value pair.
Key that contains the inserted value.
Value to be added.
Optionally indicates whether to allow overwriting an existing key. The default is FALSE.
This function throws an exception if structure does not exist or if key exists and allowoverwrite is set to FALSE.
<!--- This example shows how to use the StructInsert function. It calls the CF_ADDEMPLOYEE custom tag, which uses the addemployee.cfm file. ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Add New Employees</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Add New Employees</H1> <!--- Establish parms for first time through ---> <CFPARAM NAME="FORM.firstname" DEFAULT=""> <CFPARAM NAME="FORM.lastname" DEFAULT=""> <CFPARAM NAME="" DEFAULT=""> <CFPARAM NAME="" DEFAULT=""> <CFPARAM NAME="FORM.department" DEFAULT=""> <CFIF FORM.firstname EQ ""> <P>Please fill out the form. <CFELSE> <CFOUTPUT> <CFScript> employee=StructNew(); StructInsert(employee, "firstname", FORM.firstname); StructInsert(employee, "lastname", FORM.lastname); StructInsert(employee, "email",; StructInsert(employee, "phone",; StructInsert(employee, "department", FORM.department); </CFScript> <P>First name is #StructFind(employee, "firstname")#</P> <P>Last name is #StructFind(employee, "lastname")#</P> <P>EMail is #StructFind(employee, "email")#</P> <P>Phone is #StructFind(employee, "phone")#</P> <P>Department is #StructFind(employee, "department")#</P> </CFOUTPUT> <!--- Call the custom tag that adds employees ---> <CF_ADDEMPLOYEE EMPINFO="#employee#"> </CFIF> <Hr> <FORM ACTION="structinsert.cfm" METHOD="post"> <P>First Name: <INPUT NAME="firstname" TYPE="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"> <P>Last Name: <INPUT NAME="lastname" TYPE="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"> <P>EMail: <INPUT NAME="email" TYPE="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"> <P>Phone: <INPUT NAME="phone" TYPE="text" hspace="20" maxlength="20"> <P>Department: <INPUT NAME="department" TYPE="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"> <P> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="OK"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>