Removes all data from the specified structure. Always returns Yes.
See also StructDelete, StructFind, StructInsert, StructIsEmpty, StructKeyArray, StructCount, StructKeyArray, and StructUpdate.
Structure to be cleared.
<!--- This example shows how to use the StructClear function. It calls the CF_ADDEMPLOYEE custom tag, which uses the addemployee.cfm file. ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Add New Employees</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Add New Employees</H1> <!--- Establish parms for first time through ---> <CFPARAM NAME="FORM.firstname" DEFAULT=""> <CFPARAM NAME="FORM.lastname" DEFAULT=""> <CFPARAM NAME="" DEFAULT=""> <CFPARAM NAME="" DEFAULT=""> <CFPARAM NAME="FORM.department" DEFAULT=""> <CFIF FORM.firstname EQ ""> <P>Please fill out the form. <CFELSE> <CFOUTPUT> <CFScript> employee=StructNew(); StructInsert(employee, "firstname", FORM.firstname); StructInsert(employee, "lastname", FORM.lastname); StructInsert(employee, "email",; StructInsert(employee, "phone",; StructInsert(employee, "department", FORM.department); </CFScript> </CFOUTPUT> <!--- Call the custom tag that adds employees ---> <CF_ADDEMPLOYEE EMPINFO="#employee#"> <CFScript>StructClear(employee);</CFScript> </CFIF> ...