My Life .. .  .   . as of 22ndFeb'98


Back to the keyboard again.. There's something wrong with my dial-up software so i've been off the net for a week and still counting, and in the gaping hole of time thats consequently appeared, I've rediscovered the TV. Oh. and school's started. YEargh. not to mention exam results coming out this week. dooooomed.

    During the week, i've had a few mad ideas, one of which was to interview my classmates about the situation in indonesia, what they thought of singaporeans and other brilliantly searching issues like those. yar i know...the weather's been hot. Anyway, just upon conversation, here's wht i remember. Those classmates of mine are quite convinced that their home archipelago is headed for civil war. They totally agree with that t-shirt shown in Time and Asiaweek...the one which says Soeharto is responsible for mass killings among others.. and Habibie, the vice-president wanna-and-probably-will-be, is very much the anti-chinese racist, which doesnt much hurt the racist riots already killing people there. Suddenly everything's not peachy or secure... the problems are about as close to home as you can get. Its happening to indonesia now and thailand, with malaysia not exactly unhurt either. The neighbourhood's in trouble and it'd be so foolish if singapore is just going to lock their doors to the turmoil and complain about property prices going down. It can only be hoped that all this will pass without war and that recovery will be swift. Yes. and they had this to say about singaporeans: "Umm.... It is a very clean place...umm...yes...very clean." One aussie guy i was speaking to (he looks just like bruce willis 'cept he's far faaar cuter) had this to say about wrking in s'pore...,"Its so sterile! i wldnt get to go dancing or do drugs there, eh?"  Well. there you have it. Boring maybe, but at least we're clean. Clean enough to eat off I reckon.

    Ah well. Life here in sydney is good. Free and easy...almost everyone i know has put on weight since coming here. *flab flab*...even so, i am So glad i came here. I think JC was hell compared to this, and not like this is chicken feet either. The difference is in the freedom. The tutors dont chase you for homework, they dont pressure you, and u get to call them by their first names(which was severely weird initially but okay now) and absolutely everything is up to you. You get treated as a paying customer and not as a servile labourer. It feels great i tell you. of course at the price of $10k its also bloody expensive.

    La la la.

URGH. i have chem lab tmrw. Hrm. actually its quite fun... and then there's edwin directly opposite, facing me. *GRIN*. if u're going edwin who? then nebbermind. you were spared my freakish ravings a few mths ago. I henceforth declare i do Not have a crush on him anymore. nope. not an iota of crushing. Even if he does have such nice smouldering shoulders...and the sweetest smile..But he's not worthy. Nope. He's a dope.  Anyway, its funny how your self-gauged attractiveness just plummets when ur weight does the reverse. *reach for cookie*... Its like once u reach a certain shape you just pop out of the desirability stakes..You sit on the side and observe the sweet young things getting on together and eat your cookies. you dont even have to be fat. *mope*....*reach for another chocolate chip*...


    Ah well. I have to be getting on to doing some of my homework...imagine that. the only way i'll do my hmwrk is if its voluntary. Clever them. and so i should end off this incredibly insipid article(page?journal entry?) soon. You know what? i have no idea why i ever started writing this. Probably to justify the homepage....
..argh. and speaking of the homepage, its Sooo incredibly ridiculous trying to create one. Especially when u know less than nuts about html and javascript and whtnot. Everytime u try to do something u make threefold the mistakes. urgh. and then when thats fixed and stored as learning experiences and you think u're done and it looks spiffy, you upload it on the net and everything's a mess all over again. and even when Thats straightened out, you innocently surf to ur page on someone else's computer to find that it morphs into a new, entirely inexplicable version of the original page on a different monitor and browser. The fonts disappear, everything's suddenly times new roman when its supposed to be curly and pretty, the mango turned green, the tables are suddenly aligned to the left not the centre, the title of the page has just fallen out and to top it all, the links are nowhere to be found or insist on leading to the geocities site for lost pages. Doing a homepage the way you want to takes time. lots of it. And tons of bleeding patience.  Good luck to those intrepid nutters who're just setting out on doing one. I warned you.

Meanwhile im letting my page rot, dont care if the mangos go mouldy..When my software gets fixed, i'll think about it again. *reach for cookie*. oh and apologies for the lack of nifty graphics on this page since i havent surfed for them as yet. Come back later and it should be prettier. :)


Mango Favourites for the week:
    1) Beck single 'Deadweight'. (i have been led to believe they play this on s'pore radio..?)
    2) Phillipe Candeloro (the french ice skater..see last week's page)
    3) The Verve. 'Bittersweet Symphony' and 'The drugs dont work'. Simply Wunnerful.
    4) Radiohead. 'No surprises'...and the rest of the album Ok Computer while we're at it..(you
        should see the video for 'Paranoid Android'..)
    5) Dorothy Sayer's Lord Peter Wimsey. (thanks yen!)

Next week: the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi all its spangly kitsch glory.

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