Priscilla Clay E-mail: priclay@ibm.net
Rochester Institute of Technology College of Imaging Arts and Sciences Masters of Fine Arts - Printmaking Minor - Computer Graphics May 1998 Virginia Commonwealth University Bachelors of Fine Arts Painting and Printmaking Minor - Art History May 1996 Workshop In Color Printing: Barga, Italy Studied three plate color aquatint etching with the artist Swietlan Kraczyna Summers 1995 and 1996
Rochester Institute of Technology. College of Imaging Arts and Science 9/96 - Present Taught Intaglio to undergraduates and graduate students used white, soft, and hard grounds, sugarlift, photo-etching and dry point. Taught summer school for high school students; "Life Drawing, using char- coal, conte, pastels, and india ink, and "Still Life with oils" on gesso paper. Teaching/Graduate Assistant for Lithography Screen Printing, Mono-prints, and Woodcuts. Maintained all aspects of studio; including acids, solvents, press maintenance, inks; etc. Helped, assisted and demonstrated the art of printmaking to graduate and undergraduate students. Assisted Foundations classes in 2D and 3D in the printing studio. Explained and taught printmaking and it's history.
Germanow Coffey Gallery Gallery Manager 8/97 - Present Curate shows and Report to the Directors the day to day management and operations of the gallery, generate sales, installations and deinstallation of exhibitions, distribution of information, ie, press releases and newsletters, maintain records of works and sales. Participate in the scheduling of Shows, Art Forms and exhibition openings.
Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia Program Support Technician 1/93 - 9/96 Tompkins McCaw Library Department of Anesthesiology
Computer Programs
MacIntosh: Adobe PhotoShop 4.0, Adobe Illustrator 7.0, QuarkXpress, Director IBM PC: Word Perfect, Power Point, Microsoft Excel, Reference Manager, Grateful Med, Medline, Print Shop, Corel, Microsoft Word, PC.File, PC.Write.