Welcome to my study hall! Education is a favorite subject of mine. I am a student currently registered in the school of life, where the curriculum changes constantly and there is ALWAYS something new to learn somewhere. I am also (kinda!) a teacher, as I am currently homeschooling the oldest of my three children!
Please note...!!! Many of the links will simply lead to educational pages. Some of them, though, will lead to . They may or not be the same as my opinion (I have often been known to argue against my deepest beliefs). Disagreement is to be valued, I believe. (Remember..you are unique.. just like everyone else!) However, I feel very strongly that there is a way to express your opinion. If you are unable to express your opinion to the author of the page in a civil manner, then I ask that you keep it to yourself.
I believe one should study from as many different "seats" as you can find, whether or not you agree with the view from that chair!! I have listed links for many subject areas, so I have attempted to separate it by category to make your perusal of this link library a bit easier. It is my sincere hope that you will find SOMETHING to learn about here!
If you know of a subject or really great link you'd like me to list, please let me know via the email link at the bottom of the page, and I will look into adding it.
Or return to Whimsical 1
National Homeschooling Association!
Our National Advocacy Group.. Join'em.. 'nuff said!!
Home School World!
From the publishers of some of my FAVORITE magazines, well worth the money spent on them, (A HUGE compliment from me)and well worth the time to stop by the site!!
Focus on the Family!
A good group, in my opinion, that usually has some very worthwhile things to say.
Homeschool Easy Records!
This seems to me an easy and useful record keeper for homeschooling parents, although in my opinion it is a bit costly.
Parents Place.com!
A place for all parents, homeschooling or not, (or anyone involved with children in any way, for that matter!) to learn and grow and talk together about things regarding their children. They have live chats and bulletin boards and MUCH more!
The first 2 sites in this section are from Itools! and are ABOUT the greatest information tool sites I have found. Got a need to know something? Research-it! or Find-it!
RESEARCH-IT! Your one-stop reference desk!
Searchable Information Desk! They have the following subjects: LANGUAGE TOOLS (Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Translators, Language Identifier, French Conjugator, Anagram, English Acronyms) LIBRARY TOOLS (People, Religion, Quotations) GEOGRAPHICAL TOOLS (Maps, People, Facts) FINANCIAL TOOLS (Currency, Stock Market) SHIPPING AND MAILING TOOLS (Postal, Shipping) INTERNET TOOLS (Email Discussion Groups)
FIND-IT search tool!
Finds "anything" on the net, no matter what it is! Check it out, and find something new today!
One Look Dictionary
Just like it says, but better. Almost any type of dictionary you need, you will find here. It runs the gamut from english to business to science to medical and more!
The semantic rhymic dictionary
This is one I happen to use write a bit, since I write a lot of rhyming poetry. (I know, I am just SO out of date!)
Mining Co. Geography!
A more in-depth look at all things geographical. Not just your usual maps, although they are there, too, but of far greater interest to me, this site includes historical maps timelines, teaching links and a great deal more!!
The Mining Co.
Major league link site. They have made it their business to "mine the net so you don't have to". Of course ya still do, but they are a great place to start if you are looking for something, or for nothing in particular.
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!!!!!! FIND out about hoaxes and scams and STOP the madness!!! Before you hit forward on that scaremail you received, check out this site!
ICSA anti-hoax pages
More information on hoaxes. Please learn about this very widespread problem! DO YOU believe everything you read in "National Enquirer"?? I find it amazing that so many intelligent people believe completely senseless reports/requests, just because it came in their email! (Did you know space aliens can ZAP you into their spaceship if you open an email entitled "Open me!"!!??)
The History Net!
Where History lives on the Net! Not quite as informative as I would like, but they do have many articles on several different types of history. Wonderful for articles on specific historical figures and battles, as well as aviation history, as well several other topics of general historical interest.
Newspaper Association of America!
Is your local or favorite newpaper online? Many are, and you can find them here! A great place for researching current events!
Education Index!
This is a HUGE link library, much bigger than mine, with a whole different set of links in a much wider variety.(Almost too big, IMHO, unless you are looking for as many links as you can find on a particular subject. It may be difficult getting through every link on every subject.. but then, I DO love a challenge!) They also have some fun things for smaller children, and a "coffeeshop" where you can virtually hang out and exchange ideas and such. (Definitely a place after my heart!) Lots of things to learn here! I could spend hours, no WEEKS on each subject!
*singing* Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill Nye the science Guy!
Oh, um.. ahem.. Sorry.. I forgot I had an audience for a second (catchy tune there!) Seriously, though.. this can be a fun site for kids, although I think most of the features take WAY too long to load! Also, I take offense to his portrayal of evolution as fact, rather than the THEORY it really is. Ask any REAL scientist and they will admit that it is only a theory, and one of several, although it is the "widely" accepted theory (because it is pushed down our throats and we are NOT usually told it is only a theory and WE are a people who have forgotten how to think for ourselves.. baaaaaa! *climbing back off the soapbox*) Ahem, pardon the interruption.. It is important to learn the thoughts behind EVERY theory, I think, and then decide for ourselves.. and there is much more than evolution propaganda here, so.. Go visit!
There are way too many to list them all.. but here are a few of my favorite places to find things to download, in order of my preference!
Freeware Home!
Just as the name suggests, absolutely free programs and such! Some are great, some good, some "eh!", but they are all free! There are lots of programs here that are useful for studying something or other!
ZDnet Software Library!
More software to downlowad than the above, but NOT always free or useful programs. Also, can be slow to load and difficult to find your way to the many other places on their site, and VERY heavy on the advertisement. But fun to explore anyway.
Serious Developments Christian Freeware!
Not a whole lot here, but some very interesting/useful programs for Christians (or for others who want to learn about Christianity and Christians for themselves, rather than going by the stereotyped images they are inundated with). There are a great deal many more study programs (etc..) listed in their main directory, but they are DEFINITELY not free..
Not done yet..
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OK.. this one is at least started...
Witch/Pagan Resources
I can hear the screams now.. "You have PAGANISM on your page!!!!" YEP! (I did tell you already to change seats, right?? Try to learn about someone else's beliefs without being defensive about your own!! Baaaaaa..) Paganism is an ancient belief system, still being practiced today. There are many different facets, and many different "practices" covered under this one very broad term. I can't present them all, but I can try to give you a general overview. This site has done a fairly extensive job of gathering informational resources.
Witch/Pagan Resources
Same place, but this is their title page. It , of course, links to the rest of their site which is also very informative.
If you have any sites you think are worth adding, please, let me know!
Yep, you guessed it...
Back to Whimdex!
I know, get to work, right?? Yeah Yeah.. This isn't so easy, ya know!
My Laughter Place
OK.. There is always MY humor section to visit. This leads to the non-frames version or you can Switch to Frames!
Again, if you have any sites you think are worth adding, please, let me know!
Yoga Class
Breathe, dang-it! Only kidding, One of several great Yoga sites on the web. Read the front page info, and then be sure to click through to the main site, Yoga Central.
An in-depth instructional look at the various poses. Each pose is specific and needs to be done correctly for maximum benefit. I recommend concentrating on learning each new pose thoroughly before attempting another.
The main page for the above resource, links of course to her whole site and also to the yoga web ring!
Keyboard Yoga
Unwind and breathe deeply right where you are! Good for some quick stress relief at the very least!
Not an incredibly extensive site, but informative and worth checking out, if you are looking into yoga and yoga classes.
Stop by often, there is always something new to learn, and don't forget to
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