Once upon a time....

Sometime between 1988 and 1992

There was a fish swimming up

There was a lion roaming through

a river; always it seemed, against

a jungle; always, it seemed, roaring at the

the current. Pushing and fighting, but always..

unseen. Fighting and crying for the right

calm. For the water had given the fish

to be at peace. For the jungle created places to hide,

a direction, and knowing there was a path cooled

but danger hid, also. The lion had to be always

the fear. But the cool and empty water left her

on guard, looking for the next battle,

lonely for some warmth, some

always a battle for peace..

passion. So she sought with all her strength.

And always winning, for he was always prepared

Her strength came from purpose, her

But never at peace. For his strength was

purpose was bourne of need, which

his fear, his fear was bourne of knowledge;

grew from knowledge. From

of memories from past battles. He knew that

knowing that if there was cold, there

if there was war, there must be peace.

Must be warmth. And always the

cool, soothing peace. But as always the

cool sound of water ran through

hot sounds of battle ran through

her mind -----

his mind -----

One day they came together.

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