© Copyright 1999, K.T.L./Whimsical1
Written 11/99 for my Aunt Gay
my hands are bound and, too, my feet.
And I, unable to walk, much less run to your side
I, who would do anything to ease your pain..
Stand helpless. I can do nothing
But sit and wait and hate that you're hurting.
And cast my love and what healing I can muster
To the winds, praying that they will be channeled
via the cord that will always connect us
and that you will feel my love for the tender
and caring vibration of energy that it is
and that some merciful being will somehow,
ease or remove your affliction
and fill you with a heaping measure
of comfort and peace, and healing.
Removing miraculously the disease which eats away
At the body that holds the soul that is so loving and
So dearly beloved by so many.