My Songs

Send me some feedback to! I really don't mind if it's negative.

They'll launch in a new window. You need Quicktime Plugin (you probably have it)
Artistic note: the sound may suck if you have an old computer or happen to have a sucky MIDI synthesizer. Just keep in mind that it's not my fault.

And keep in mind that since they are MIDIs, they take up about 4k-15k each. So, it should take literally



Date/Real Author


Hoopy 11-00 First atempt at ragtime. Not too poor. Too bad it doesn't have any direction.

Video game version
10-00 Another sheet-music generated song. I was once again going for a ragtime feel, but it ended up sounding like video game music. Oh well.
Johhny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts Less Than Jake My first attempt at synthesizing a real song. I didn't get very far though. It's really hard to make a hardcore punk distorted guitar sound with midi.
Techno 10-00 An attempt at techno. I was experimenting with my midi program. I can't actually play this. Which isn't really a problem. It's not like techno 'bands' have concerts anyways. Once again, unfinished (See how lazy I am?). Just take what I have, frapeé on high for 2 more minutes and serve chilled, and you'll have the rest of the song.
Blinking Line 5-7-00 My first full song written for a full jazz combo (no guitar, because guitars suck). I wrote this using the 'lasagna' approach: started with a piano part, added bass, added drums, added the horn, added new parts as necessary....etc.
Eight O'Clock Pie Song 3-99 It was eight o'clock, I was eating pie, the rest is history....Kinda simple, came out fairly well in MIDI. Also working on a version with a clarinet part. Maybe even 'full band' version with bass and drums. Depends on how bored I get
Stick in the Mud

'Live' Version*
6-99 This song has lyrics, but they're kinda....icky. They deal with being a party pooper/'stick in the mud'. Maybe I'll post them someday, or better yet, I could make this MIDI file into a .KAR (karaoke) file! I could add a flute playing the tune of the lyrics.
Big Boy Beat 1-00 Something I wrote entirely on the computer, without ever hearing it until it was finished. It's not a whole song, just a little beat thingy. The title comes purely out of my desire for alliteration.
Tremors of Love ('Live')* 7,8(?)-99 Changes everytime I play it. The only constant part is the first part. I messed up a little when recording this, but it came out mostly good so I left it. The original idea was to save this song until I had a girlfriend, and then tell her I wrote it for her. So if you plan on being my girlfriend, this song doesn't exist, okay? I came up with the title on a whim as I was saving the file.

There will be more here, because I do have more songs, and will be writing many more, because being able to put them up here is sort of a really big inspiration. Getting encouragement would be even better (wink, wink).

* the pie song, the first stick in the mud and the big boy beat were all generated by a program after I scribed the sheet music. 'Live' means I pressed record and played it. So it sounds more natural and has a rippin' solo.