"I appreciate you all bending over"
-Mr. Gagne
-Mark C.
-Kristin F.
"I'd rather have two guys..."
-Ken C.
"There's no one I'd rather fuck than Travis."
-Brandon P.
"I am a woman."
-BrYan M.
"Yea, I'm a big transvestite."
-Jeanne-Marie P.
"Girls glow...guys are just icky."
-Caitlin R.
"Please do not touch Mrs. Gray"
-Notice in Mrs. Gray's room
"I never urinate in the bathroom"
-Nick C.
"That makes me...a lesbian."
-Caitlin R.
"Just pull down the back of my shirt a little bit..."
-Jamie D.
"I am a girl...I did the girly thing"
-Nick C.
"More quotes to come"
-Travis B.