Born: 12/05/68, Rockaway Beach, New York

Education: The Joe Kubert School of Cartoon & Graphic Arts, Inc., Dover, NJ, 1987-88

Current Locale: Staten Island, NY, the world's largest garbage dump

Religious Orientation: Messianic Anarchist

Ethnic Background: 75% Italian, 25% Sicilian

Last Book Read: "Exquisite Corpse", by Poppy Z. Brite

Favorite Bands: The Ramones, The Damned, The Specials, The Dickies, The Toasters, The Scofflaws,

The Dead Milkmen, The Lunachicks, The Dwarves, any bands that starts with "The..."

Last Motorcycle Totaled: 1983 Yamaha Virago 750, July 4th, 1997, suffered broken humorous, (right), severe skin abrasions

Favorite Author: Hunter S. Thompson (What'd you think of the Terry Gilliam movie...?)

Favorite Comic Book Series: Neil Gaiman's "Sandman" for Vertigo Comics

Artistic Influences: Rick Griffin, Xiamé Hernandez, Salvador Dali, Robert Williams, taggers Revs & Cost!

Personal Digital Guru: Kai Krause

Pets: One Redtailed Boa Constrictor, female, "Kali-Ma"; one wife, female, "Shea"

Writing Credits: Thieves & Prostitutes, Black Market Manifesto, Something For Nothing, Motorcycho, Cheese Shop News, Twenty Pound Embryo, Liquid Ink (all are punk rock fanzines from various parts of the country... except Motorcycho, which is Canadian, eh?)

Best Dance Step: The Satanic Cabbage Patch

Favorite Beverages: Icy, frothy Guinness Extra Stout, White Russian Mochachino milkshake, cherry wine

Immature Secret Crushes: Parker Posey, ('Daytrippers','Waiting For Guffman','Party Girl') Death, (from the Vertigo Comics 'Sandman' series) Harley Quinn, ('Batman, the Animated Series')

Favorite Cigars: Macanudo Baron de Rothschild, Hav-a-Tampa Perfecto, Captain Black Sweets

Super Powers: None

Favorite Clubs: CBGB's, Irving Plaza, the Cooler

Marital Advice: Elope!

Dream Bike: W.W.II era German Army Issue BMW with sidecar, spare tire & machine gun mounts

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For: John Belushi's long lost jaded bitter punk rock rebel love child

Best Day of My Life: July 25th, 1996, our wedding day

J-Card art for the debut album from Sometime Sunday, a silly band out of Portland, on Tooth & Nail Records. Actual size of image,

about six or seven CD's long!