My name is Lynn Kennedy, and this is my web page, and if you have visited here before, you can see that it is changing and growing daily. I hope you enjoy what I have included here, and will drop me an email and let me know.
This is a letter that I have written announcing my Disassociation from the Cult of Jehovah's Witnesses. I post it here for the world to read and know my feelings.
Disassociation Letter
Cult Experiences
The next piece is about my experiences with in the cult. It is very much a piece of me, and very close to my heart.
Here is a listing of some of the Jehovah's Witness beliefs that they don't tell you about
Here is some of my poetry, most of which is written from the heart. I tend to write when I am feeling things very strongly emotionally. I hope you enjoy.
Check out our new pets
I have been doing some art work and sketching for many years, I am finally brave enough to share some and not throw it all away.
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