Saturday Star

April 6 2002


DASART shows

An Introduction to Dasart

Transmigrations - the show

Transmigrations Synopsis

Dasart Archives

LightStrider Albertus van Dijk

Take some time to reflect

We entered the Third Quarter Moon Phase on April 4 at 7:28pm. This carries us directly into the Dark Moon of April12, a time of gathering and withdrawing into personal, private places.

It's an excellent time for considering the way your past connects and shapes your present life.

This waning Moon energy does not mean we must become social hermits. We must just make time for reflection, a little personal space to take an overview forwards and backwards to see what connections of cause and effect we can observe.

In every culture throughout history this Moon Phase has been prosperous for meditation and achieving spiritual readiness and equilibrium.

It's associated with creativity and exploration, whether that expresses itself as art, personal exploration or assisted therapy.

It's about the exploration of the recurring patterns and symbols in our lives. "Game Crossing Time" by Canadian artist David Hlynsky from an exhibition called "Transmigrations" symbolises the energy of this time to perfection.

This dazzling sense of continuity from an ancient shamanic rock painting to a modern road sign reflects the Saturn-Pluto opposition I've been writing about so often because it is so crucial in the world around us right now.

It's a heavy energy but its total meaning is about transformation. Our challenge is to accomplish that evolutionary change within ourselves by understanding its primal roots, but also recognising its modern energy..

"Transmigrations" is the name of this exhibition by Dasart whose aim they describe thus: "We are concerned with reinvigorating the social dimension of art to counter the degradation of the environment and nurture a universal sense of identity."

That describes their exhibition beautifully but it is also a shrewd summary of what the Saturn-Pluto energy is asking us to do.

I keep reminding readers that Saturn is about order and Pluto is about changing that order. That can happen by evolution, without violence and with a creative, positive energy; or by revolution, which can be hostile and destructive.

It must happen within us, as we reconsider the past, our faith and our moral values, but it must be expressed in action.

Change must happen with us as we consider the past.

We must be alert to our environment and this exhibition offers visions and images that can provide tools and examples for those seeking the direction and nature of change.

One of the artist, Nhlanhla Mbatha, has done a fascinating series of sand sculptures that use the cracks in the dried soil of Africa as the design concept.

He says: "I am interested in cracks.
To me they evoke a sense of the human condition and experience. In this case, the ritualistic use of the African soil speaks about issues of social transformation, reconstruction and liberation in the South African context"

I can't imagine a better explanation of the Saturn-Pluto energy.

Ania Karjewski has created a series of amazing kites called " The Mediators" about which she says:

"The kites are seen as mythological intermediaries between the gods and Earth."

These works are full of powerful spiritual stimuli and with the astro-energy brimming with the desire to seek and explore. This exhibition is a must.