Tania - 08/25/00 12:54:23
My Email:anatania_2000@yahoo.com
Current location: Pakistan
Describe yourself in 2 words: ready to learn
dear friend,
ur site is beautiful,i liked it very much.Would like to be in touch wth u to learn from u.
hav a q to ask: where r u now? u last updated this page last year?
fatima - 07/31/00 02:35:20
My Email:catbert82@hotmail.com
Current location: texas
School: school
Favorite Vegetable: cucumber
Dreams for Future: not there yet :-)
Describe yourself in 2 words: shy, caring
Your favorite planet?: saturn
asalaam alaikum sis,
nice website u got here!! Mashallah, keep up the good work :-)
Mohammad Kabir - 06/07/00 05:52:52
My Email:MoeK2000@hotmail.com
Current location: Nashville, TN
School: HHS
Favorite Vegetable: Uhhh.... Whatever tastes good!!!
Dreams for Future: I have a lot!
Describe yourself in 2 words: Muslim Guy
Your favorite planet?: The one we live in
- 05/28/00 04:42:58
why is everything so religious in here?
- 03/25/00 06:01:16
Aisha - 03/22/00 07:06:15
Current location: michigan
Favorite Vegetable: brocolli
Dreams for Future: elementary teacher
salam alaykum wa rahmatallah!
love the poetry! and your web site! you're so creative and you have a great sense of humor. masha Allah!
Erica Gerace - 03/02/00 17:28:35
My Email:geraceel@purdue.edu
Current location: West Lafayette, IN
School: Purdue University
Favorite Vegetable: I like them all.
Dreams for Future: Not sure yet.
Your favorite planet?: Jupiter
Hey Sanjida!!! How are you? Just wanted to say hi.
Tina Palmer - 11/08/99 17:06:13
My Email:palmr03@aol.com
Favorite Vegetable: carrot
amit nihalani - 11/08/99 04:19:08
My Email:axn30
Current location: cleveland, oh
School: cwru
Favorite Vegetable: broccoli
Dreams for Future: MBA from Harvard
Describe yourself in 2 words: nice guy
Your favorite planet?: earth
God bless you!
Leena - 11/07/99 01:53:27
My Email:ammu4@juno.com
Current location: ceterville
School: magsig
Favorite Vegetable: broccoli
Dreams for Future: something with kids
Describe yourself in 2 words: little sister
Your favorite planet?: earth
Piya - 11/07/99 01:43:57
My Email:ammu4@juno.com
School: Cline Elem.
Favorite Vegetable: Tomato
Dreams for Future: Saving the world
Describe yourself in 2 words: Your sister
Your favorite planet?: Earth
hello appa!this is cool!
Lutfi Karim - 10/13/99 02:53:07
My Email:gte643n@prism.gatech.edu
Current location: Atlanta, GA
School: Georgia Institute of Technology
Favorite Vegetable: potato. and don't tell me it's a fruit.
Dreams for Future: a pretty wife, kids, and a job with NASA.
Describe yourself in 2 words: trustworthy and nice? i don't know, you tell me. :)
Your favorite planet?: i think this one's pretty cool.
salam alaikum,
hope you're handling things allright in school. everything's a.o.k. with me. i seem to be enjoying myself for the most part....except for all the homework and tests'n stuff; but that's what college is all about, right? take it easy. khodaphez.
yer homeboy,
- 10/02/99 06:48:46
arman syifa - 10/01/99 22:35:03
My Email:axs159
School: weatherhead
Favorite Vegetable: lettuces
Describe yourself in 2 words: always courious
Your favorite planet?: earth
It's amazing. How did you make it?
Morlie Patel - 09/19/99 20:52:51
My Email:mpp@umich.edu
Current location: Ann Arbor, MI
School: University of Mich :-)
Favorite Vegetable: Tomato
Dreams for Future: To be great...wait, already fulfilled...
Describe yourself in 2 words: happy and open
Your favorite planet?: Venus
Very impressive, shoma!!! good girl :-)
i love u so much. i feel so proud of you. look how far we've made it. things are so strange, everything happened so quickly. please feel free to write me whenever somethings up. AWESOME WEBPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy Fondoulis - 09/17/99 20:44:44
My Email:alf8@po.cwru.edu
Current location: Cleveland
School: Case Western
Favorite Vegetable: broccoli
Dreams for Future: curing cancer
Describe yourself in 2 words: organizational freak
Your favorite planet?: Earth
Hey Sanjida! Just thought I'd say hello. I'll catch you soon.
SUSHRRLA MALLIPUDI - 09/13/99 22:30:07
My Email:svm3@po.cwru.edu
Current location: school
School: CWRU
Favorite Vegetable: all of them
Dreams for Future: NASA engineer
Describe yourself in 2 words: outgoing and persisdent
Your favorite planet?: Mars
Moustafa - 09/08/99 05:31:29
My Email:mab46@po.cwru.edu
Current location: Cleveland
School: Case
Favorite Vegetable: Cookies
Dreams for Future: Succeed
Describe yourself in 2 words: Cookie lover
Your favorite planet?: Earth is fine
My good friend told me that you went to case so I checked out your page....mighty nice..keep up the nice stuff..take care and have a good time at case.
Moustafa - 09/08/99 05:29:04
My Email:moose
Sari - 09/08/99 02:18:12
My Email:scully0317@yahoo.com
Current location: dorm room
School: Miami University,Oxford
Favorite Vegetable: anything except brussel sprouts and lima beans
Dreams for Future: be a lawyer--international lawyer.
Describe yourself in 2 words: quietly fun-loving
Your favorite planet?: saturn
i really like your pick on songs for lyrics. excellent choices!!! :) glad i had time to stop by and see your website! :) hope you like school!
Nina - 08/13/99 16:35:21
My Email:Rudies69@aol.com or skaeller@hotmail.com
Current location: Ohio, NY
School: Cornell University
Favorite Vegetable: artichoke
Dreams for Future: Biochemist
Describe yourself in 2 words: extroverted, impulsive
Your favorite planet?: Cartoon Planet =)
Rachael Riche - 07/31/99 23:32:48
My Email:www.richerachael@hotmail.com
Current location: Mesa,Arizona
School: Mesa Community College
Favorite Vegetable: Corn
Dreams for Future: Be a RN
Describe yourself in 2 words: very social
Your favorite planet?: earth
Justin - 07/20/99 00:04:22
My Email:euterpe@softhome.net
Current location: Virginia
School: CWRU!!!!!!
Favorite Vegetable: um, asparagus is good
Dreams for Future: to pass chem111
Describe yourself in 2 words: golly gee
Your favorite planet?: mars is nice
Wow i like your page, 'gita. Didn't know you knew stuff about web pages. ANyhow, thought i would give it a shot since you were nice enough to send me e-mail ( the only one. >sniff<. )
BUMBULINA - 07/19/99 23:00:21
My Email:bratty36@hotmail.com
Current location: the BIG nati
School: sycamore
Favorite Vegetable: carrots
Dreams for Future: big family insha allah
Describe yourself in 2 words: moti and loud
Your favorite planet?: earth
u most probably dont know me but i'm sumbul uddin's cousin...haha well luv your website..very cute!!
Jared Goldman - 07/17/99 13:27:48
My URL:http://home.cwru.edu/~jfg3/page2.html
My Email:jfg231@rocketmail.com
Current location: Mansfield
School: Case Western Reserve University
Favorite Vegetable: I like them all
Dreams for Future: to live happily ever after
Describe yourself in 2 words: living paradox
Your favorite planet?: Jupiter
Hi, nice page. I write poetry sometimes, remind
me, and I'll show you some of it later. Well, see
you in a little under a mont
Varun - 07/12/99 15:24:37
My Email:hynduman@aol.com
Current location: dayton
School: cwru
Favorite Vegetable: myself
Dreams for Future: to change the channel without the remote
Describe yourself in 2 words: tall, brown
Your favorite planet?: uranus....think about it.
I must say that I am impresssed with you webpage, but I'm confused as to whether you're going to Case or not. You live in Centerville??? I live in Beavercreek. see, now I'm even more confused.
Sahar - 07/11/99 05:30:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/sahar/index.html
My Email:Sahar828@aol.com
Current location: Westlake, OH (it's a suburb of Cleveland)
School: ... just graduated from Magnificat High School (all girls catholic school ahhhh!) and am now gonna be a froshie at Case Western Reserve University (too damn long of a name if you ask me lol)
Favorite Vegetable: cucumbers n carrots... i know, i was supposed to pick one, i'm being a bit difficult ok? ;)
Dreams for Future: getting a mba n md... or at least for now that's what it is... and of course living happily ever after with a non-existent, fictional character, in my dreams, type of a husband -- insha'Allah it will all work out =)
Describe yourself in 2 words: a goddess lol... j/k... ummm my friends say i'm sweet n funny so there ya go...
Your favorite planet?: this one although my mind is always on another one.
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lovely page roomy... my eyes are shutting though right now
Cesar Ho - 06/28/99 23:30:56
My URL:http://cesar.ho.net
My Email:Cesar@ho.net
Current location: Cornell
School: Cornell
Favorite Vegetable: I don't know
Dreams for Future: Being Rich and Famous
Describe yourself in 2 words: Spikey Hair
Your favorite planet?: Cesarius
Wow too many animated gifs. =)
Deshipola - 04/29/99 23:16:28
My URL:http://members.spree.com/deshipola
My Email:deshipola@hotmail.com
Current location: MN
School: Been there
Favorite Vegetable: hmm?
Dreams for Future: Earn a billion $
Describe yourself in 2 words: too much to say
Cool webpage! I just surfed on and got hooked after a while. Overall everything looks pretty good, just that the pictures were a li'l too big to be downloaded in a jiffy, and I almost forgot how to spell after reading your bio!
Keep it up! Congrats again!
mcnuggett - 03/09/99 18:32:59
My Email:mcnuggett99@yahoo.com
Current location: home
School: fairborn
Favorite Vegetable: brocoli
Dreams for Future: i dunno
Describe yourself in 2 words: witty wonderland :)
Your favorite planet?: mars
mcnuggett - 03/09/99 18:31:52
My Email:mcnuggett99@yahoo.com
Current location: home
Lutfi Karim - 02/21/99 23:54:14
My Email:lutfimk@juno.com
Current location: planet earth
School: Centerville High School
Favorite Vegetable: Potato
Dreams for Future: spaceman
Your favorite planet?: i like this one
none at this time.
Rajat Jain - 01/22/99 01:10:11
My Email:rjain@erinet.com
Current location: Home
School: Centerville
Favorite Vegetable: umm... Carrot?
Dreams for Future: Money
Describe yourself in 2 words: Extremely Crazy
Your favorite planet?: Neptune!!
This is your little message from Rajat. This page looks pretty cool.. Only if I had the time to make something like this. =)
Partho - 01/20/99 17:26:56
My Email:croslink@bdmail.net
Current location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
School: Maple Leaf International
Favorite Vegetable: all types
Dreams for Future: achieving my future aims
Describe yourself in 2 words: sorry I can't
Your favorite planet?: The one where I'm living at present off-course......
As far as I may consider in such a situation- well done and very nice indeed!
Rashid, Tazdeen - 01/18/99 22:24:49
Current location: your house
School: Chs
Describe yourself in 2 words: RICO SUAVE
Your favorite planet?: NOT EARTH
- 01/15/99 04:43:24
imran - 12/21/98 21:05:48
My Email:tanju18@hotmail.com
Current location: new york city
School: CCNY
Favorite Vegetable: aloo
Dreams for Future: marry flora
Describe yourself in 2 words: lover&singer
Your favorite planet?: mars
cool website:)
- 12/08/98 22:06:58
Benjamin Paul Rosenbaum - 10/17/98 08:08:30
My Email:john_rosenbaum@email.msn.com
Current location: chair
School: chs
Favorite Vegetable: tomato
Dreams for Future: live
Describe yourself in 2 words: hot lovin'
Your favorite planet?: earth
I float like a butterfly, yet I sting like a bee.
eric shultz - 09/04/98 21:37:12
My URL:http://notyet...
My Email:fraud@underworld.net
Current location: centerville
School: centerville HS
Favorite Vegetable: broccoli
Dreams for Future: success
Describe yourself in 2 words: inquisitive me
Your favorite planet?: neptune
nice job-still looking at it but-overall nice job there sanjida
Monica Roy (Moy) - 08/21/98 14:52:34
My Email:moyroy@hotmail.com
Current location: my lovely office at the base
School: Beavercreek High School
Favorite Vegetable: oregano!!!!
Dreams for Future: I plan to live my life to the absolute fullest!!!!!!
Describe yourself in 2 words: The Shit (The Coolest)
Your favorite planet?: that blue one
Shoma, Shoma, Shoma, you are such a loser!!!! heheheh j/k actually you are really cool (or as you would put it kewl). i hope you will stop crying now that i took you off my "other" list and (somehow) put you on my buddy list for the aol IM thing. Hmmm...
i think this has been the best summer i have had and, no it's not because of you, but i LOVE my job with a passion and everything else this summer has been a blast for me....i don't know what i'm going to do without my own office...all my friends are sooo
jealous of my work...who else gets to work with their friends, ahve their own computer , gets to put up pictures of hot guys, gets to listen to blasting music, gtes to go whereever they want whenever they want in middle of work, and still be able to say
that you are working for the US government as an intern!!!!!!!! okay by now i think i have made like a milliion typos ans a million mistakes but frankly i don't care.....hmmmmm....i'll probably come back and sign in another time when i get bored....okay
bye for now...the next time i'll see you is maybe when i tuern my head kand look above the screen...later gator..:)
- 08/18/98 20:44:01
My Email:android008@aol.com
I was retarded and just put android008 instead of android008@aol.com
Andrew - 08/18/98 20:42:02
My Email:android008
Current location: OH
School: Torrey Pines
Dreams for Future: Fireman or Chef
Your favorite planet?: Earth, only one I know
Thank you for such a wonderful site Sanjida, Shoms, Shoma, I don't know, have fun with j. alexander, and get ready for s----l soon
jessica - 08/15/98 18:42:41
My Email:lunarjess@aol.com
Current location: ohio
School: torrey pines
Describe yourself in 2 words: lunar + jess
Your favorite planet?: earth
melissa - 08/12/98 18:47:09
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~mgonyeo/index.html
My Email:mgonyeo@hotmail.com
Current location: NH
School: Boston University
Favorite Vegetable: carrots
Dreams for Future: to become a biochemist and cure something
Describe yourself in 2 words: fun, happy
Your favorite planet?: earth
This is a wonderful page! Great job! Come visit my page sometime! Thanks! :)
Disha - 08/07/98 19:11:47
My Email:disha@infinet.com
Current location: Dayton, Ohio
School: Fairmont/Miami U
Favorite Vegetable: carrot
Dreams for Future: live a happy life with my friends and family members
Describe yourself in 2 words: determined, funny
Your favorite planet?: jupiter
Hey San, this homepage is awesome. . .it is really YOU!!! Well you are a great gal and I'm glad that I met you. . .well take care and remember to always smile :)
kavi - 08/05/98 18:33:43
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/bourbonstreet/6298
Current location: about 3 ft across from u
Monica Roy (Moy) - 07/27/98 16:18:47
My Email:moyroy@hotmail.com
Current location: Beavercreek, OH
School: Beavercreek High School
Favorite Vegetable: Corn
Dreams for Future: Pass high school
Describe yourself in 2 words: social cool
Your favorite planet?: pluto
- 07/19/98 02:04:27
Becky Thien - 07/16/98 13:42:03
My Email:kiler_wale@hotmail.com
Current location: work
School: University of California Santa Cruz
Favorite Vegetable: Candy
Dreams for Future: Marine Biologist or work in an office were there is nothing to do but play on the internet and get paid big bucks for it
Describe yourself in 2 words: nice, bored
Your favorite planet?: earth
Kavitha Reddy - 07/16/98 13:41:27
My Email:superguapa@hotmail.com
Current location: dayton
School: miami valley
Favorite Vegetable: chocolate mints
Dreams for Future: to be sanjida's best friend
Describe yourself in 2 words: kick ass
Your favorite planet?: jupiter
"Want to get paid hundreds of dollars a week to do absolutely nothing"
"Don't quit your job"
Sanjida, that card definitely describes us. Someday a while from now when your'e reading this and missing our summer days just sit back, put on the my best friend's wedding soundtrack, and E-MAIL ME! (After that, you can go to the mall.)
your fellow intern-in-crime,
p.s. keep our webpage!
Kavitha Reddy - 07/16/98 13:36:05
My Email:superguapa@hotmail.com
Current location: dayton
School: miami valley
Favorite Vegetable: chocolate mints
Describe yourself in 2 words: kick ass
Your favorite planet?: jupiter
"Want to get paid hundreds of dollars a week to do absolutely nothing?"
"Don't quit your job"
that definitely describes us.when you're reading this a while from now and you're missing our summer days just sit back, put on the my best friend's wedding soundtrack and E-MAIL ME!(After that, you can go to the mall.)
your fellow intern,
Anita Roy - 07/16/98 13:31:18
My Email:anitaroy@hotmail.com
School: Beavercreek High School
Favorite Vegetable: ?????????
Describe yourself in 2 words: Sanjida's friend (need I say more?)
Your favorite planet?: my own world
Catherine Meyers - 07/03/98 21:42:48
My Email:Cam-Lem@juno.com
Current location: C-Ville
School: chs
Favorite Vegetable: cucumber
Describe yourself in 2 words: short/happy
Your favorite planet?: i'd have to say earth
very cool sanjida, my uttmost approval and praise and happy 4th of july :-)
Kristen Ellinger - 06/11/98 00:46:28
My URL:http://geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/8420/
My Email:kjoybug@erinet.com
Current location: My house
School: Centerville High School
Favorite Vegetable: Asparagus
Describe yourself in 2 words: Bumptious Fop
Your favorite planet?: Venus
It's much better than mine! I'm very proud of your efforts! See you in summer school.
J Lex - 06/07/98 16:41:23
My URL:http://www.j.alexander.com/loco/teahouse/1238/
My Email:tanukiman@aol.com
Current location: my home
School: i quit
Favorite Vegetable: i quit that too
Describe yourself in 2 words: holy SH*T!
Your favorite planet?: Earth is fine for me
Wow, total "make-over" of your page! I am quite impressed. I dont know what the title could be, but hey you decide the title last right? alright, well...nice page. visit mine sometime...or not!
brett - 06/07/98 00:14:10
My URL:http://rj.org/nfty/ovr
My Email:hatmand8i@aol.com
Current location: centerville
School: centerville hs
Favorite Vegetable: dunno
Describe yourself in 2 words: I am ______
Your favorite planet?: potato salad
Hey guys.
^kat^ - 06/06/98 22:21:16
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Broadway/Stage/4014
My Email:katkunz@erinet.com
Current location: i am here, but my mind is always thousands of miles away
School: good ol'CHS (let's hear a rousing round of the alma mater! all together now...)
Favorite Vegetable: peas
Describe yourself in 2 words: idealistic and cheerful
Your favorite planet?: saturn, of course!!
sanjida, i'm surprised no one has chosen saturn so far... what's so popular w/ jupiter?? it's big & red & gaseous. yay. but does it have rings?? i think not. regardless... um, lovely page you have here, even though the only thing i've looked at so far
s the guestbook. well, the page of quotes, too, but i saw that on a different visit, so it doesn't really count. thanks for the link to my page; i'm gonna create a listing of friends' pages this summer (eventually) and yours will certainly be among them
speaking of summer -- we must celebrate!! yay!! nevermind the fact that it's only 50 degrees outside... ok, i'm gonna go browse around the rest of the page. eliz says to join cross country. i'm not, but that's just cause i don't much care for running
see, now there's another fun fact you know about me. :) ciao...
p.s. you've gotta come see foxy sometime!! :)
lamya - 05/30/98 00:55:40
My Email:i use my mom's and i dont know what it is sorry
Current location: sanjida's house
School: magsig middle school
Favorite Vegetable: strawberries
Describe yourself in 2 words: lacking confidence
Your favorite planet?: jupiter
I don't know what to say. I'm seven years old. My buddy is George. He's a flying monkey. (My friends think I'm insane; but, really, I'm not.) I REALLY go to Chilson Elementary School. Okay, I's gots ta go! --Georgina
Nafisa - 05/30/98 00:46:35
My URL:http://don'tgot1
My Email:islamnaf@flyernet.udayton.edu
Current location: sanjida's house
School: university of dayton
Favorite Vegetable: asparagus
Describe yourself in 2 words: nervous wreck
Your favorite planet?: neptune--isn't that the pretty blue one that's supposed to have an ocean of cyanide??
the bit about the planet I actually read somewhere--I'm not tripping, really. Shoma, I didn't know you had a web page; otherwise I might have signed this from someplace other than your house :). I love those little nongrammatical smily faces. Forward me
more stuff!!! Bye, say hi to Faleen :)
Annie Lim - 05/29/98 00:21:49
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SunsetStrip/Palms/9005
My Email:anniething@hotmail.com
Current location: computer desk
School: yes
Favorite Vegetable: yes
Describe yourself in 2 words: Annie Lim
Your favorite planet?: mine
Hey sanjida.
betcha didn't kno I had a web pge. I haven't touched it in months...almost a year. You've got a good thing going. Keep it up. Ill be back when you're finished to write some more nonsense =)
See ya in school.
lizard - 05/25/98 22:22:36
My URL:http://(it's on her links)
My Email:ElizardR@aol.com
Current location: sanjida's house
School: centerville
Favorite Vegetable: banana
Describe yourself in 2 words: i'm actual size
Your favorite planet?: mars (where else would we get dates for dances from?)
Hi sanjida!
I am at your house right now! Very nice page. I am impressed. I like the scribble page, it's cute. You should change your current love intrest on my page to say "*****". NO editing of my entry! He probably won't come here anyways. just for the general
iewing audience's information, sanjida's current love intrest does not have 5 letters in his name. Anyways, I suppose I should be generic now. wait! let me say one more thing. I want barry! Now for the generic: I hope you are haveing a wonderful day and
his summer we have to plan lots of fun stuff, ie- take road trips and have picknicks and movie days and lunches and our BIG tea party! Ahhh! now she wants me so sign her yearbook. Wow, sanjida, we are going to be big bad seniors next year. Hey everyone,
try and con sanjida into joining cross country next year!
Rachel - 05/18/98 21:53:55
My Email:RoseWin19@aol.com
Current location: Centerville, OH
School: CHS
Favorite Vegetable: olives
Describe yourself in 2 words: shy, kind
Your favorite planet?: Venus
"Never stop believing in dreaming, and never stop dreaming of believing. That is what gives us hope, and what keeps us alive."
Flora Islam - 05/17/98 02:06:26
My Email:fri17@hotmail.com
Current location: South texas, bordering Mexico..where we're dieing because of the deadly haze
School: J.B. Alexander Magnet High, not for long..graduating soon!!
Favorite Vegetable: is watermelon a veggie?! i've got a lot to learn
Describe yourself in 2 words: Flora, Islam{flower, peace}(it says a lot)
Your favorite planet?: gee, dont know..anywhere out of this world..not really literally.
Sanjida!! (pretty name) you've got to email me soon!! i'm leaving on the 29th of may! but its ok..i'm oksies doksies wit it. btw, i'm turning 18 tomorrow! good luck & have fun this summer...=^)
(isnt that a nice nose?!) hey, i forget, thanks for everything! i'll get u a pic soon (scan or real?) let me know..k? c-ya..
JA - 05/17/98 01:10:09
My Email:TanukiMan@aol.com
Current location: Here...
School: yes
Favorite Vegetable: Watermelon
Describe yourself in 2 words: Damned. Blessed
Your favorite planet?: I'd have to say: Jupiter--its superior in so many ways.
My name is JA, my email is TanukiMan@aol.com, I am currently "here," I go to school, I love watermelon, and I dream that some day, SOME day I can transcend the mortal limited human existance. I would describe myself as damned, blessed, and I love the pla
et Jupiter. In Greek, thats Zeus. Of course I'd have to say my favorite Greek god is Poseidon, because his Roman counterpart Neptune sounds neat. Besides, he is associated with the ocean, with which i am so fascinated. However I am more fond of the mo
ntains, and I must say that I would rather go to school there. Anyways, I don't have a webpage, so I guess you can't visit it. Awww.
Fk - 05/17/98 01:07:48
My Email:faisal.kabir@juno.com
Current location: Nashville
School: Hillsboro
Favorite Vegetable: Chicken
Describe yourself in 2 words: Paranoid Paradox
Your favorite planet?: Moon
mia eta khaTTI KOCHU
Becky Rickert - 05/16/98 20:51:15
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Area51/Vault/9484/index.html
My Email:mrickert@concentric.net
From: I'm not at liberty to disclose that information...
School: Centerville High School
Favorite Vegetable: cucumber
Descirbe yourself in 2 words: stoic, obseverant, oh and Sanjida would tell you level-headed
How would you rate my page?: It's getting there, summer time does wonders for a webpage
Way to go Sanjida, got your own page, everyone should have their own web page. You know why, cause someday when we are all reduced to nothing but conscieness floating around in cyber space you'll want some place to live, and well, your well on your way to
nice 1 bed room apartment. Doesn't if feel great to be prepared?
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