Click to visit YE OLDE SCRIBBLEBOARD OF YESTERYEAR (i.e. my older scribbles. some date as far back as high school! HTML pages can only hold so much wisdom apiece...)
Fa inna maa usri yusra, inna maa usri yusra ~ Then, indeed for every difficulty there is ease, for every difficulty there is ease.It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.~Aristotle
We are molded adn remolded by those who have loved us.~Francois Mauriac
Simple living, higher thinking
You don't realize how much you love those who you love, until you lose one of them, and then you love them all even more. No pain, no gain.
...O life, the powerful play goes, and you may contribute a verse. And so, my friends, it is not too late to see the newer world; for my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset...
This love... this love is a strange love. A faded sort of mellow.. this love.
If not now, WHEN? If not you, WHO?
Hungama hungama hungama
In the back of your mind, you have a little voice thinking, "What the hell are you doing?" but in the rest of your mind, you're screaming "SHUT UP!"
I know God is keeping you close, but I miss you anyway.
before you go to bed, give your troubles to Allah. He will be up all night anyway.
And remember... this thanksgiving, coutn your blessings, and COUNT YOUR AMINO ACIDS! ~Merrick, before break
S: Hey! Listen to me!
D: I AM listening~
S: But your EARS aren't FACING me!That's one of those things you don't want to pray for, just in case God doesn't have the same sense of humor that you do...
You Ignernt!
along those same lines... You Teadrinkers! Fleabags! bootwearers!Why is it that the only one in this group (the BME boys and one girl) without a penis is the only one who has grown up and become a man? This is all a big ego game and the Superego's going, "*I* don't have a penis! *I* don't have a penis!"
Uh Oh
Feelings are transitory.. like.. times of the month.
I'm snitching your cheese!!!!
Wicked Cool? Silly Massachusettsans
The only things men know about women is that they have PMS. The only thing that men know about PMS is that women have it.
You KNOW its a bad day when the "what? me stressed?" mug can't even take it anymore
Gosh I'm such a feminazi, but I really love boys anyway. PLease refer above to 'men are the enemy, but i love the enemy.'
It's not easy making love in the air. 50 times harder when the parts aren't all there. And everytime I hear an egg hit the ground, I have to wonder why I'm even around~Orpheus somethign song, by Sarah H. (the bird without feet)
I thought we had ten thousand days, how was I to know that I would see you go?~Sarah H again with reference to our dear sweetheart TaminaThere is NO porting of port-a-potties on an Indian train. Ewwww... ~Sonal, Ro, and I
How many elevator repairmen does it take to replace a lightbulb?
I do crafts for evil, not for good~Lalli's mother
it's best not to ask for the phone with the words, "i'm feeling evil today, i'll call him."
The SEVEN HABITS of HIGHLY CHEESY FUN! ~Ro dawg and I have patented this idea.. sorry..
Hello my future girlfriend...~suite 620's favorite website
I think all my attractions have been to younger men. I haven't found an older man who's mature enough.
MAFF: Mothers Against Fribley Food
Udderly Smooth Udder Cream: Do not use on parts affected with cowpox
this raises a question, if cowpox come from cows, and chicken pox comes from... people.... where do smallpox come from? (Adam says: Smalls.)You have to believe that what you want to have happen WILL ACTUALLY HAPPEN if you just do the work for it~ Ro and Sanj evening walk epiphany
ISNA: Islamic Singles Needing Arrangement
marriage~ I think thats why all the aunties are after it... they're bored. "We have no social life bhabis, let's marry off one of our first born female offspring."
No One Argues with the BABY!
Moments of utter hopelessness: "i can't even get a vibrator to stay with me!" ~ This one is an anonymous quote suggested to be from one of Lalli's relatives.
White Girl Choley... MMM MMM
it's just a little bit of dunya (ek tukra dunya)~Tamina
Hijabi Hummus
We're supposed to be walking at 10 mph, but we're all racing in speedboats at 150 mph. I'm trying to slow down, but I have to keep dodging everyone else!~Ro
Happiness is an internal drive. It is real, and it is COMPLETELY tangible.~Dean Dodd
The Prophet (saws) said:"some people enter this world and leave and no one ever notices... some people enter this world, and when they leave, they leave behind a beautiful lingering fragrance..."
LIFE is like a bus that has run out of gas. And in the vicinity of this bus, there are 3 groups of people. one group sits on teh bus, and they wait, and they don't care abotu where they are going or when they will get there. Another group sits outside the bus and they wait and watch for something to happen or change, at which point they step in. The third group is behind the bus, and they push it to its destination, along with everyone in it.
Sr Iman: "I asked tamina once how old she was. and she said 20, holding her fingers very close together, very small. She considered herself so young... but that was the end of her life..
Prophet (saws) drew a dot in the dirt and said, this is the human being. THen he drew arrows coming out of hte circle in every which direction, saying, and these are the plans, goals, hopes, and dreams of that human being. Then he drew a circle around the dot, cutting through the lines, saying, and this is Death.
Discover the state of your union. In a loving world, you can forget that you can't have one guarantee. Life. It's for a limited time you know. Get the sensation. Sing out loud. Come and go.~Magnetic Poetry
This moment is not a dress rehearsal. This is it.
POlite Conversation is rarely either.~Fran Lebowitz
"Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told, 'I'm with you, kid. Let's go.'"~maya Angelou
love is a great wrecker of peace of mind~Susan Cheever
The Secret of Happiness is to make others believe they are the cause of it~Al Batt
It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars~Garrison Keillor
The doctor will screw you now.
Every saint says, and every seer says, he who has Truth and Courage in his heart will always surely succeed~Mitwa
This earth is ours, as is the sky.~Mitwa
You are the king of the earth, this I hope you know.~Mitwa
"O Saviour, Pure of Essence, our Beloved One. Aside from you, we have no one."~o Paalanhaare
Setbacks pave the way for comebacks.
Assalamu alaikum. It's how I like 'em. (Alex)
Salamtik. Its what you say when someone's sick. (Amer)
Lo. (Kakoli and Mamun)
Araaaaaaaaaaay Dadima!
Snoopfi. All the cool kids have one. Batteries not included.
dorkdom contains far far more woedom than nerddom.
wink wink nudge nudge hint hint cough cough shrug shrug tap tap nod nod smile smile twitch twitch BOUNCE BOUNCE?
noncomittal relationships have something appealing about them.
HS gal pal, out of the closet and seeking an all female family, offspring included. "I don't want anything with a penis going in me or out of me." (i dont know where the feminine offspring are coming from either, i'll keep ya posted.)
ME WHOLE LIFE FLASH'D BEFORE ME EYES!!!!..... twas relly boring..
The fences aren't just down on the farm, they're up here! In your heads!
The chances of us gettin out of here are a million to one.
Well then, there's still a chance.HS boy to his newfound HS girlfriend (written in a yearbook)..."I hope I see a lot of you this summer!" and later... "Oh, I meant, see you a lot."
Sleep, moonlight child; sleep, little prince. Come to the world of dreams; come! (So Ja Chanda) from Mission Kashmir soundtrack. My favorite lullaby.
How come you only like me when I'm nice to you?
I shall go off, into the East, and forever remain Geladriel.LOTR
Even the smallest of creatures can change the course of the entire universe. LOTR
man is a prisoner of his own brain.
OK, let's check out that poetry you mentioned
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