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[Mail] E mail You can reach The Alien Art SoHo Gallery by e-mail. I will try to answer every e-mail sent as soon as possible. Sign Guestbook View Guestbook Member in good standing of the Federation Of Canadian Artists Calgary Alberta Chapter. The Federation Of Canadian Artists Home Page

Updates to this site on April 17, 1998.
I've been asked why I paint paranormal images. Well, back in 1987 I suffered an accident that changed my life. Following the accident I learned how to meditate as a strategy for coping with chronic pain syndrome. The meditation helped reduce my need for pain killers, but it also opened a paranormal door that I was unaware existed. I began to have Paranormal experiences during dream states and during meditation. These experiences were frightening at first, but over time I got used to most of them. Like most people I was skeptical of the paranormal, UFO's, aliens, and the whole bag of stuff that goes with it. Once I started experiencing these things for myself, I came to realize there is far more going on around us then we realize. As anyone would know if they had a related experience, the majority of people are sceptical. I understand this because I used to be sceptical once also. During 1997 I began to have more intense paranormal experiences and during these discovered I am an empath and what is called a walk in. No one could be more surprised then I am. I don't expect many to accept this. My interest in painting alien themes has a direct connection to this awakening during November. Now my art tries to express the images I've seen in an altered state during meditation and Out of Body experiences. By painting the paranormal, I am trying to share some of these experiences with you the viewer. Of course there is no harm in enjoying the paintings for their art sake, even if you refuse to accept the idea of a paranormal universe that is part of our daily environment.

Links with a Metaphysical flavor
TimeTravelers [Mail] E mail You can reach The Time Traveler administrator, Curtis Jackson by e-mail to obtain further details on this site and what it offers.

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